
It’s turning out to be a very productive day. 

I’ve wiped down the tiles in the new bathroom so once the electrics are completed for the shower and towel rail, that room will be ready to use. All the clothes are back in the cupboard and linen in the airing cupboard, taking the ‘I’ll finish sorting it later’ approach! I hadn’t anticipated having so many memories attached to clothing and simply found it to be too emotional a task to complete now. The other two bedrooms have been hoovered and tidied so the upstairs is as ready as it’s going to be for the recarpeting.

The living room just needs a quick dusting and hoovering which I’ll do next and then I’ll just  be left with the cloakroom, music room and dining room to sort out tomorrow. They obviously need to been cleaned but they won’t be carpeted so are bottom of the to-do list.

I’ve had enough for today and am now having a coffee and writing this post while waiting for J to turn up. We’re going to move the living room furniture around to see if there is room for the chair that matches the new sofas. A local shop is now selling parts of the range of furniture and it would be nice to have the matching armchair. The one I bought has already found a new home in the dining room and is a perfect spot for sitting and watching the birds on the feeders.


  1. Sounds like a really busy day!

    1. It was, but it feels good to get it done!

  2. Definitely a productive day! You got a lot accomplished!

    1. It was a good start. Most of upstairs has been cleaned now, so I'm moving on to the remainder of the decluttering.


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