All About ... 2013: Year in Review

What did you do in 2013 that you’ve never done before? I can't think of anything.  This has been the start of a year of 'firsts' as I come to terms with the changes imposed on my life by Ced's death but there isn't actually anything that I have never done before.

Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?  I didn't make any resolutions.  At the start of the year Ced was critically ill in intensive care and not expected to survive so my focus was on him and the time we had left together.  For 2014 I'm planning a list of things I want to achieve by the end of the year.  Some of these are lifestyle changes and some are things I've always wanted to do and 2014 is the year I'm going to do them.

Did anyone close to you give birth? No, there were no additions to the family this year.

Did anyone close to you die? Yes, my beloved Ced passed away in March. 

What countries did you visit? I didn’t travel at all this year.  Well, I went to visit my niece and her family in Wales which was the farthest I got!!

What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013? At this stage of my life material things are not that important to me and my life has changed so much, and will continue to change, that I can't really answer this one.  I want my family and friends to stay happy and healthy and that's all I wish for.

What date from 2013 will remain etched in your memory and why? There are two dates - March 4th when Ced died and August 1st when I collected the keys to my new home.

What was your biggest achievement of the year? Being with Ced at the end of his life.  Managing to keep going afterwards.

What was your biggest failure? There hasn't been anything that can be classed as a failure as I didn't really have any expectations for myself this year.

Did you suffer illness or injury? No major illnesses or injuries this year but I have ended the year under the care of a consultant at the Royal United Hospital in Bath.  I've had a colonoscopy and a CT scan and am waiting on the results.

What was the best thing you bought? My new home. I love it!

Where did most of your money go? On the new home! Apart from that it has been spent on the bills, food and clothes - just normal expenses, nothing extravagant.

What did you get really, really, really excited about? Nothing really, it hasn't been that sort of year for me.  I'm starting to get more enthusiastic about my photography again.

Compared to this time last year are you:
  • Happier or sadder? Sadder, but for the obvious reason that I am trying to come to terms with the loss of Ced in my life.
  • Thinner or fatter? Slightly thinner.
  • Richer or poorer? Slightly richer.
What do you wish you’d done more of? I would have liked to have done more socialising and more choral singing.
What do you wish you’d done less of? Worrying about things that I couldn't change.

How did you spend Christmas? My sister, BIL, nephew and his partner came to mine for Christmas breakfast.  Then I spent the late morning/early afternoon doing the rounds, visiting my niece and her family, then my other nephew and his family (+ celebrated Miss C's 5th birthday) and finally my friend's home to spend some time with her and her daughters.  I spent the rest of the day at home on my own where I cooked my Christmas meal and opened the rest of my presents.  It's what we used to do when Ced was well and I wanted to do it again this year.  It was a lovely day, lots of laughter, a few tears but filled with love and good memories.
Did you fall in love in 2013? I was already in love, and stayed in love, with Ced. He's just in a different dimension now.
What was your favourite TV show? I haven't really watched much TV this year.  I watched the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who which was brilliant.  Apart from that just a few repeats of Lewis and QI.
What was the best book you read? I can't remember most of the books I've read this year, which presumably says something about my choice of reading material.  I finished the year re-reading the Harry Potter series and I enjoyed them just as much as I did the first time I read them.
What was your greatest musical discovery of 2013? Nothing in particular but I've drifted more towards listening to classical music all the time.  It's not a 'discovery' as I've always loved the genre but now I am listening to classical music to the exclusion of all other genres.  I find it comforting and relaxing.
What did you want and get? I wanted a means of exercising at home so I bought a Wii + Wii Fit game.
What did you want and not get? I'd originally planned to buy a new build house but didn't get it because of all the negative changes to the marketing information I'd originally received - two additional maintenance charges on a freehold house and plans to build a children's playground just in front of the living room window! At the time I was disappointed but I'm a great believer in fate and my decision to walk away from that house meant that I ended up in my current home.  It was meant to be!
What was your favourite film this year? I enjoyed the first Hobbit film.
What did you do on your birthday? I went out for a meal with my twin sister and her husband.  We went to The Old Bear at the other end of the village and had a most enjoyable meal.  I had duck and the others both had steaks. 
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? There's a whole list of things that I wasn't ready to do that would have made my year more satisfying but I don't want to dwell on the negative.  Instead I'll concentrate on the major thing I have been doing which has given me a lot of satisfaction and that is that I've started playing with the brass band again.  I'd had to stop this when Ced's illness progressed and I really missed it.  I now teach at the local youth band and also play along with them. It's as much fun as I remembered and I'm really enjoying it.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013? I don't have a personal fashion concept. It's difficult to have one of those when you are overweight and just go for comfort and whatever fits!   
What kept you sane? The support of my family and friends, lots of reading and photography.
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I didn't fancy anyone.  Well, just David Tennant and Robbie Williams and ....
What political issue stirred you the most? The problems with the economy.

Who did you miss? Ced. Mum. It has been a difficult year.

Who was the best new person you met? I haven't met anyone new this year who I could say was the 'best new person' I'd met.  I've met a few of my new neighbours, people at the sewing bee, staff at my new school, parents of new band members - the list goes on but I don't really know any of them well enough to class them as friends.  In every case, it is early days in the relationships.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013. Live your life now, don't wait for tomorrow.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.  I can't think of one with lyrics that means anything to me.  The one piece of classical music that sums up my year for me is Pachelbel's Canon but I can't really find the words to explain why. 


  1. What a year you've had. I've been reading your posts all year and I am filled with admiration as you seem to have been so resilient.
    Wishing you lots of love for 2014 xxx

  2. Your year has been full of highs and lows Eileen, with your determination and as Kathy said resilience I hope that 2014 keeps on more of an even path xx

  3. A very hard year for you Eileen but you have come through it and will grow strong again. Get that camera snapping ;) xxx


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