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Hello, I'm back! I don't know how well this will go as Blogger really doesn't like me, but I'll do my best. I doubt that I'll be blogging every day for a while but I have good news to share with you, so thought it was worth a post. I had a full knee replacement on Monday, my left knee. It's going very well so far and is far less painful than it was before the operation. I have a series of exercises to do every hour to prevent blood clots, and another set to do four times a day to improve joint mobility. I had the op on Monday at 6:30 pm, came out of recovery by 9:00 pm and was allowed home at 4 pm on the Tuesday after two lots of physio. It's good to be home. I have friends taking care of me this week but we all think I'll be fine on my own by next week. Friend L will come over every day next week if I  do need help so I have a back up and won't need to worry. It's only been three weeks since I first saw the surgeon and he agreed that I need the

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