This Week ...

There's nothing out of the ordinary planned for this week but still plenty to look forward to and keep me occupied.

Social: it's choir practice tonight where we'll be looking at Is This The Way To Amarillo, Homeward Bound, and the new one for this week is Rule The World. 

I'm also hoping to meet either J or L for a walk but, as usual, that depends on their work commitments.

Online Classes and Talks

Monday: photography group, happiness hub

Wednesday: life coach, nutrition club

Thursday: life coach, Indian cooking 

Friday: nutrition focus 

The happiness hub is the one I missed last week and I'm hoping for good things from this after hearing some of the feedback.

I intend to watch the life coach sessions this week but, unless the sessions introduce some new-to-me suggestions/techniques, I think I will look for an alternative. So far the sessions have dealt with creating lists of our qualities, skills and talents as well as listing ideas for joyful activities, all of which are things I do regularly so are not new ideas to me. In the last session we dealt with the Wheel of Life and goal setting which Bless introduced me to and which I have done monthly since May 2019, so again it was just a repeat of an existing practice. I appreciate that it is early days, but for me the biggest issue is that the coach is quite disorganised in her approach so it takes more effort than it should to follow what she is saying. For example, she will start explaining something and then will notice a comment in the chat function so, mid sentence, will switch to answering a comment that is completely unrelated to the concept she was in the middle of explaining!


Walking: I'm fitting in a couple of photo walks this week, one to Caen Hill locks and one to Westbury White Horse.

Home and Garden

Home: I started sorting through the paperbacks yesterday. There are now too many to fit in the bookcase thanks in part to the generosity of my sister but mostly because the read and unread books have somehow got mixed together. That 'somehow' is me failing to concentrate properly last time I tidied the dining room! I'll advertise the unwanted novels on the local Facebook page as free to collector so they will hopefully be snapped up and out of the house very quickly. 

I'll also have a bit of an admin week as some of the end of Financial Year statements have arrived and need to be filed away. Plus, there's always some shredding to do!

Garden: M will be here again on Friday to continue with the weeding and preparation of the bed behind the garage. A couple of pot grown shrubs will be replanted there when she's ready but I won't buy any replacements for the pots until I know it's done. My only gardening tasks at present are watering duties and to sweep the patio.

Food I'm hoping to do some food shopping myself rather than relying on a delivery. I want to buy the supplies to get ahead with the bulk cooking for May's meals and also top up on fruit and vegetables. 

and finally, Hobbies:

Reading: I haven't started a new book since finishing Mill on the Floss but I'm sure I will find something I fancy as I'm sorting out the books

Italian: 15 - 20 minutes daily practice 

Piano: I'm working on a couple of studies. I don't know who wrote them.

Photography: I still have more photos to take for my monthly photo challenge and there is likely to be something to practice from the online photography session.

Family tree: I'm working on the next presentation to the family, trying to make this current lot of ancestors sound more interesting than they are!


  1. It sounds like a great week - very fulfilling and enjoyable. Have a lovely time.

  2. Gosh I hope you achieve all that - just reading what you have in mind is making me tired lol.
    I’m not sure you and I would get on in real life....I’d be telling you to “do yourself a favour and have a day off”. Have you always been so organised or is this a result of Covid and the restrictions on our lives over the past 12 months?
    Enjoy your week - as they say, today is a gift that’s why it’s called the present:)
    Take care

    1. No nothing at all to do with Covid. This is a tried and tested method to keep the depression at bay. It works for me if I have some idea of what I'm going to do and to have some things to look forward to and, if you read my blog regularly, you'll know that I often have days when I choose to do nothing. That can't happen all the time though ... the bottom line is that I live alone and if I don't look after the essential chores, there's nobody to do it for me. What's listed here accounts for a very small portion of my week and the majority of my time is unstructured in this way, but doing it this way keeps me the right side of the depression line. Even what's listed here isn't that much but just looks a lot when written out like this ... for example, each online classes is effectively an hour of my time, drinking a coffee and listening to a subject that interests me, something that gives me enjoyment.

  3. You indeed do have a varied week planned. Let's hope the weather co-operates with your planned walks.

    1. Well the forecast is good so I should be able to get out for the walks. If it does rain, I'll have to choose different venues to avoid wet grass!

  4. The weather looks promising for your photo walks this week, it’s lovely to have this sunshine. Your other plans sound very enjoyable too.

    1. I think it's going to be another good week. The forecast shows good weather for the next two weeks at least so I'm hoping to get out most afternoons.

  5. Isn't it nice that you are already doing at least two things (joy lists, balanced life wheel) that were discussed by the life coach? :) The coach does sound a bit disorganized - maybe someone should give feed back and suggest she leaves answering the questions until the end or something.

    I like your plans for the week and having things to look forward to. I'm looking forward to my piano lesson, more gardening, knitting, and reading. :)

    1. I suppose the problem with the life coach from my point of view is that I'm ahead of the game and am already doing the two techniques she's introduced so far. I also find her enthusiasm a little OTT so maybe it's not the correct class for me! I think the feedback is a good suggestion.

      My life seems to have moved forward a bit and I'm pleased with the balance between chores and fun. Also between the planned activities and time to just go with the flow. I'm glad you have things to look forward to .,. it makes such a difference doesn't it?

  6. Wow your days certainly sound full! You belong to quite a few clubs. How did you find them? I am in a local photography club but the monthly meetings have all be online since this thing began. I just feel stuck right now. Sigh.

    1. With the exception of the choir, all of the clubs are online and organised by Goldster. They are aimed at an older audience and notionally promote healthy ageing but they fill a need for me at this time. Each one is an hour long and are mostly delivered as lectures with the option to ask questions in the chat - they work for me and help break up the days which are still mainly spent completely alone.

      The choir is the one I used to attend in person but which has been online since the first lockdown.


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