Friday 19th August

231/365: hibiscus

The table and chairs are being delivered today so it's an 'at home' day. The time slot is 7am to 7pm but apparently I'll get a text reducing that to a three hour slot at some stage during the day. I'm not really sure how helpful that'll be but I have no plans to go out so it's not really a problem.

I have a few admin tasks to clear. The priority is to book an appointment for my flu jab; there's a choice of two dates in October, both of which currently clash with other appointments so if I can't get an early morning slot I will need to do a bit of rearranging. I have to sort out the birthday cards for all the end of August and the September birthdays and anniversaries ... there's twelve to sort out. Then I need to get some quotes for unblocking the gutters ... the recent rains highlighted the problem!

After that I'm looking forward to another relaxing day. The nutrition focus class is about the many benefits of mushrooms, which I love so will be listening to that. As for the rest of the day, I'm hoping to make some more progress on my family tree, do some piano practice, and some quite a lot of reading. 


  1. That's a very pretty hibiscus!
    Sounds like a busy day, to me, with scheduling flu jabs, getting quotes for gutter cleaning, and organizing all those cards you are needing, plus nutrition class! I hope you have a relaxing afternoon and evening!

    1. I think the hibiscus is called 'chiffon', and yes it is pretty but has struggled with the heat this year.

      I haven't been that busy really. It sounds a lot but actually took less than an hour to get all the admin tasks completed and the Nutrition class was cancelled for some reason. My table and chairs have just been delivered (1:30pm) so the rest of the day is now free to do what I want 😀

  2. How exciting that the furniture is coming. Will that be the dining room finished now? xx

    1. The furniture is here waiting for S to set it all up tomorrow. That's it for the dining room end for now. Next year I may change to kitchen cupboard doors to get rid of the gloss finish, and maybe change the tiling but both of those things depends on cost when prices are spiralling so high. xx

  3. Such a pretty pink flower. Glad to read that the dining room set arrived, so it frees up the rest of the day for you. I like mushrooms, a must on any pizza :)

    1. I knew you'd like the pink! I completely wasted the afternoon, sleeping for most of it ... I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I agree, mushroom are a must on any pizza. The nutrition class was cancelled today so I'll have to wait to next week to hear about the benefits of mushrooms though.


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