
Hello, I'm back! I don't know how well this will go as Blogger really doesn't like me, but I'll do my best. I doubt that I'll be blogging every day for a while but I have good news to share with you, so thought it was worth a post.

I had a full knee replacement on Monday, my left knee. It's going very well so far and is far less painful than it was before the operation. I have a series of exercises to do every hour to prevent blood clots, and another set to do four times a day to improve joint mobility. I had the op on Monday at 6:30 pm, came out of recovery by 9:00 pm and was allowed home at 4 pm on the Tuesday after two lots of physio. It's good to be home.

I have friends taking care of me this week but we all think I'll be fine on my own by next week. Friend L will come over every day next week if I  do need help so I have a back up and won't need to worry.

It's only been three weeks since I first saw the surgeon and he agreed that I need the knee replacement.  I'll see him again in 3 months, when he'll decide whether my other knee needs to be done. I can't believe how quickly it has all happened. 


  1. What brilliant news for you, my sister had both hers done a few years back, it totally changed her life.

  2. That's good news and speedy too.

  3. Excellent news and good to see you blogging again.

  4. Very glad to read that you had your knee replacement surgery & that all went well. Good that you have friends/family to ensure your recovery at home goes smoothly. Cheers!

  5. I am so glad to see you post. I've been thinking about you and hoping all was alright. Good news on the knee replacement! I really do hope it helps. My walking friend had knee replacements and, phew, that lady can walk! She's in her late seventies I think and walks seven miles a day sometimes!

  6. Lovely to see your post and read about your good news! Sounds like you are doing great! Hope you continue to recover well and you will be able to do lots of things, pain-free, with time.

  7. Great news, and so pleased you're doing well.

  8. Glad to see you back, all the best!

  9. Hello Eileen, good to see you blogging again. Wishing you well after your knee op. My friend had a replacement and followed all the physio instructions. She made a full recovery. Wishing the same for you.

  10. Glad your knee surgery went well and you're making a very good recovery. Good to see a post from you!

  11. I am so glad to read that you have had your knee replacement operation. I have had two replacement knees, the first in 2015 and the second in 2018, after years of asking the doctors to refer me. When I finally got to see the specialist he asked why I had come sooner as my x-rays showed there was no cartilage between the bones in either of my knees. I had been being told I was too young but he said that that was old thinking, because of that I had had years of pain and it restricted my lifestyle.
    Since the operations I have not looked back ,being able to get back to doing things I love like gardening and long walks and driving for more than about 15 minutes without my knees locking .
    The best pieces of advise I was given at the time was to do the exercises every day without fail no matter how much I didn't want to and to rest for at least 2 hours a day with my feet higher than my heart to reduce the swelling. I am sure it is following that advice that gave me such a good recovery and now such improved mobility.
    I hope and pray that you have such a good recovery and that the knee replacement changes your life like mine did me.
    I look forward to reading more posts and seeing how your garden looks this summer.

  12. I'm really so very sorry I missed this. How exciting about your knee, it should make all the difference in the world. I don't think I got the notification. Blogger can be erratic at times.

    I hope everything has gone well since then and that you're much more active and pain free now.

  13. Best wishes on continued quick healing after your knee replacement.


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