Take Three Thursday

Lack of a camera means that I've had to choose three photos from my archives for Mary-Lou's Take Three Thursday this week.

I've chosen three photos of the clematis that grows against the back wall of the house. This is the one that I thought I'd lost but it has coped well with lots of tender loving care neglect and seems to be thriving. Although they are old photos, they show the plant as it is currently looking.

I have cut out as much of the dead growth as possible and
clipped it to the trellis until it starts to support itself.
Lots of buds so it's going to be a good year for flowers.

close up of one bud, taken early evening during the 'golden hour'

there are two flowers open this morning - it's doing well in spite of me!


  1. Thank you for joining in. I like the golden hour photo. I marvel at the colour & petal variety that clematis have & everytime I see a new one to me, I get that "I want" feeling. The only care I give clematis is; head in the sun, feet in shade & trimming at the right time of year.

  2. They are all lovely and it sounds like you should have more confidence in your green finger abilities!


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