Four Seasons : Spring : Day 2

Four Seasons: Thirty Days

I love the spring blossom - it's everywhere you look.

I'm also linking with the Spring Hodgepodge:

1. Thursday marks the first day of celebrate would you rather plant a garden or go for a walk in the woods? Would either of those activities be possible on Thursday where you live?  I live in the UK so both options will be possible from a weather/temperature point of view.  However, I teach all day on Thursdays and by the time I finish the light will be fading, so a walk in the woods won't happen on the first day of spring this year.  I am in the process of redesigning my garden so I'll opt for 'plant a garden'.  Today, I've ordered some more shrubs, some gravel and some paving stones.  This will be delivered some time in the next two (gravel & paving) to four (plants) weeks and then hopefully, my master plan will all start coming together.

2. When did somebody last spring something on you? (or when did you last spring something on someone?)  Today! I had a text from my niece treating me to a cinema trip next week as a thank you for collecting her children from school a few times.  I wasn't expecting it at all, so a lovely surprise.  The day before I had a surprise gift from an ex-work colleague and the day before that, another surprise gift from a close friend.
I quite often have somebody spring things on me.  In my group of friends, we frequently have 'bring and share' meals which one or other of us organises on the spur of the moment. 

3. We often think of spring as a time for new beginnings...what's something you'd like to start doing this spring?  I'm going to start quilting.  Properly, not the half hearted attempts I've done in the past.  The cloth for my first quilt has arrived and I've booked myself on a couple of courses with Midsomer Quilting.  

4. Where do you like to sit in a movie theatre? When did you last sit there, and what were you watching?  I don't go to the cinema that often but when I do, I don't like to sit too close to the screen.  Somewhere in the middle is best.  The last film I saw at the cinema was Philomena. 

5. When you meet someone for the very first time, what do you want them to think about you?  I'd like them to think I am approachable, friendly and trustworthy.

6. March is frozen food month (yes, really!). Besides ice cream (gotta make you think a little) what's your most often purchased frozen food item?  I buy frozen lamb mince (can't eat beef) and frozen peas.  They are the only frozen food items I always have in the freezer.  Everything else in there is the result of batch cooking and freezing the results.

7. What's something you avoid?  I try to avoid confrontation.  It's not always possible but I do my best to avoid the stress.  I also try to exclude negativity from my life and focus on having a positive attitude and surrounding myself with positive like-minded people.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  Only two more weeks teaching and then it is the Easter holiday.  I can't wait, but before then I have three school performances to organise and there is also the band Easter performance.  Busy times ahead!!


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