Me on Monday

Me on Monday ... tired after a busy weekend and glad that I don't need to work this afternoon (the children I'm supposed to teach are away on a residential trip).
Saturday morning was taken up with band and we had yet another new starter.  Numbers are very low so it is encouraging to see that the presentations I've been doing to the primary schools are starting to bring in new players.
Saturday afternoon was supposed to be a stay-in-the-warm-and-read-my-book afternoon, but it ended up being a let's-rearrange-the-stuff-in-the-garage sort of afternoon.  Julie turned up with her mum, who bought the rise and recliner chair that I hadn't managed to sell when I sold the previous house, so it involved lots of shifting around to get the chair out .... and then of course, although in theory there was more space, somehow everything didn't fit back in properly.  I later realised it was because Julie had added another desk, but at the time I couldn't work out why it wouldn't fit!
Saturday evening was spent tucked up in the warm and watching TV, although I couldn't really tell you watch I watched.  Mostly flicking between the channels and getting bored with each programme - it made me realise why I don't watch it too often!
Beetlecrushers, a clog and step dance group performing at the Wells' Food Festival
Sunday I went with two friends to the Wells' Food Festival, where we spent about three hours sampling everything.  I bought some chilli relish and a couple of bars of chilli chocolate, and also a Little Jack Horner sausage roll which is the best I've ever tasted (and that includes my mum's cooking ... I never thought I'd say that because her ones were to die for!).  Bini, who ran the Indian cookery course I went on, had a stall there so it was good to catch up with her and to hear her news.  We tried so many samples that we didn't need to buy a meal!
It was a good day, lovely autumn weather, great company, but I was so glad to get home.  I was absolutely shattered and my knees were killing me.  I got straight in the bath for a long soak, which helped, and then I settled down for an evening of reading.  The reality was that I fell asleep on the sofa and then struggled upstairs in the early hours of the morning and slept the rest of the night through.  Thankfully I had a later start today, so didn't have to get up too early.
It's a perfect October day out there so once I've published this post I'm going to potter around in the garden and tidy up the area behind the garage. 
Linking with Sian at From High in the Sky.


  1. All in all sounds like a good weekend. The food festival sounds good. xx

  2. It's a beautiful day here today too! I love this kind of weather
    That festival sounded fun!

  3. Bettlecrushers - well that name made me laugh out loud for several minutes. The food festival sounded fun. This week I am suppose to sort through two boxes in the basement that have been moved several times - no more I say, but oh I hate to part with a couple of the items in spite of having no need. Hope your knees held out for you as you puttered about the garden today. I think a long hot soak is just the ticket for me tonight!

  4. When we went to the food festival last year Bini was demonstrating cooking in the kitchen shop in the Market Square. I would like to have seen her own store. We were going to arrange to have Bini doing a demonstration and tasting evening in our village hall but somehow it went by the wayside. I will have to look into it again.

  5. That festival sounded cute! Sounded like a nice weekend.


  6. I do love the sound of the Food Festival. I'm another one sending your knees good wishes..creaking a little bit in sympathy here after Pilates last night. Have a good week Eileen..hope that lovely autumn weather holds and you get into the garden

  7. Lovely photo of the clog dancers. I am in awe of what they can do! Wells is lovely- my sister lives there.

  8. Sounds like a good few days, how great that you are getting more band members, I hope they enjoy it and you do too. xx

  9. Lovely weekend. I visited Wells very briefly many years ago and have been wanting to return ever since. The food festival looked fun. Hope you've had a good week too.

  10. LOL! Can so relate to the television thing! Waving from Sian's....the food festival sounded - well - yum! And I had to laugh at the garage trick.....FUNNY!!!

  11. The food festival sounds good and don't you love when you don't need to have dinner. :) Hope your knees aren't causing you any more pain.


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