Blogtoberfest 2014 Day 1

I'll start with a grovelling apology ... I'm sorry I've been so lazy about updating this blog recently.  I've been doing my daily photo but apart from that I haven't written anything, even though I have loads of things to tell you.
I won't bore you with all my news in one go, so for today I'll update you with my new and varied social life! Sorry for the lack of photos, but it hasn't really been the right time for hiding behind a camera.
I mentioned before that I had discovered 'Meetup' and I'd been watching the type of events that were organised locally.  In the end I decided to give it a go.  I joined the 'Bath & Bristol Everything Group', which seems to have been a good choice as there are always plenty of events in the calendar.  I started with a book group event, reading 'The Chemistry of Tears' by Peter Carey (I don't recommend this book at all - it is quite possibly the most boring book I've ever read!).  Anyway, I went along to the group feeling very nervous about walking into a pub on my own but was greeted and immediately made to feel at ease by the rest of the group - about twelve people.  We chatted about the book for about 10 minutes (and were all in agreement about it!) and then spent the remainder of the time simply chatting and getting to know each other.  The only negative part of the evening was having to walk across Bath on my own in the dark to get back to the car. That's the trouble with most of the pubs in Bath - they don't have their own parking and you just have to take your chance with on street parking or opt for one of the big car parks. 
So far, so good so I chose my next event - a pub quiz.  Again I was nervous about walking into the pub on my own but this time I recognised a few of the faces from their profile pictures and I joined a couple of very friendly women at their table.  The quiz was good fun; we managed to answer most of the questions and guessed the rest but didn't win - we were let down by our sporting knowledge, or lack of it!  I had a good time and will do it again but again didn't like having to walk across Bath on my own to get back to the car. 
My third event was a 'cheap and cheerful curry night', held close to home in Trowbridge.  There were 25 people at this event and it was a brilliant evening.  The food was excellent and very cheap -£6.49 for a large curry, rice, nan bread, poppadoms, samosa, onion bhaji and a drink.  I met quite a few new people at this event, exchanged phone numbers with a couple of Trowbridge based women so that we can car share next time we are going to the same event, chatted with some others that I'd met at the other events I'd been to and ended up in conversation with some new people who are going to some of the October/November events that I'd already added my name to.  Prior to this evening, although I'd enjoyed the two earlier outings, I was wondering if it was a sort of 'false' way of having a social life.  However, this event was the turning point and changed my mind - I genuinely enjoyed myself and am looking forward to the next curry night.  This was the Thursday night of the recent heavy thunder storm, which brought the evening to an abrupt end when the rain started pouring in through the roof and the light fittings and I mean pouring in - we had to paddle across the floor to get out!
Well that's all for today.  I'll be back tomorrow to continue with the update. 

Linking with Blogtoberfest 2014


  1. Bom dia Eilleen, adorei saber dessas suas novas actividades!
    Achei muito interessante e tudo isso em grupo é divertido!
    Foi pena essa chuvada que caiu e que inundou o local!
    Continue sempre, pois isso é muito bom em todos os aspectos.
    Mais daqui a pouco vou participar numa caminhada organizada pela autarquia daqui! É muito saudável caminhar em grupo! São duas vezes por semana:
    Abraços e não desista!


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