Blogtoberfest 2014 Day 27: The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window ... it is cloudy, but dry.  
I am thinking ... about the changes to the house over the next week.  The work was delayed because the handyman dislocated his ankle, but he is now back at work and will be starting at my home on Thursday.
I am thankful ... that it is half term and I have the chance to rest.

In the kitchen ... I am stock taking in preparation for a big shop later this week.  Now I am following the Slimming World plan I have changes to make to my usual purchases.

I am wearing ... clothes that are now too big as a result of the weight loss so far.

I am creating ... some simple parts for the new beginners, using the three notes they know, so that they can join in with some of the Christmas carol playing next month.

I am going ... to complete the gravelling in the garden this week.

I am wondering ... how and where to celebrate Christmas this year.

I am reading ... 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks' by Rebecca Skloot.  It's a non-fiction book group read; I wasn't sure of the choice but it is proving to be a much easier read than I was expecting, considering the subject matter. 
I am hoping ...  that the changes to my medication start to make a difference and I feel better.
I am looking forward to ... going to London on Wednesday to see the poppies at the Tower of London.
I am learning ... all about Slimming World food optimising.  It's a big learning curve and is a different approach from the calorie counting but I'm enjoying the new way of eating.
Around the house ...  it is chaos.  The living room and dining room are piled high with the stuff from the soon to be decorated music room. 
I am pondering ... what I can do next in the house. Whatever I decide it won't be done this side of Christmas.

One of my favourite things ... cosy chats with friends and family.
A few plans for the rest of the week ...
  • Tuesday: gardening
  • Wednesday: day trip to London
  • Thursday: Slimming World weigh in, then home for handyman to start work and I'll work in the garden
  • Friday: handyman continuing work and I'll work in the garden
  • Saturday: shopping and cooking for freezer
  • Sunday: gardening + some photography 
  • Monday: handyman to finish work and I'll be teaching + some photography 

A peek into my day ... I haven't felt too well today so have spent most of the day sleeping on the sofa. In between I've done a bit in the garden, watched some TV, made a few phone calls to friends and emailed Joy to reschedule meeting for lunch.
A favourite quote for today ...
"It is never too late to be what you might have been"- George Eliot


  1. I heard about that book and thought it would be a great read! Very interesting subject matter

  2. Olá Eileen, você tem uma imensa agenda! Muitas coisas para fazer!
    Desejo que corra tudo bem e faça uma boa viagem até Londres!
    Penso que é necessário ter algum cuidado com os produtos para emagrecer;))!
    Desejo-lhe as melhoras!
    Talvez esteja muito cansada!
    Abraço. Ailime

  3. Love cozy chats with friends and YaY for clothes that are too big! ☺ Great job on the weight loss. Enjoy your week and trip to London.

  4. You seem to have a lot in store for your house! It's great that your handyman's ankle is doing good now. That means he could go to work with landscaping your garden. Hopefully his ankle doesn't act up when he's in the middle of doing something. Good luck!

    Helene Raymond @ Trade Squad


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