Blogtoberfest 2014 Day 23: Highs and Lows

It's been an up and down sort of day ...

Lows include ...
  • weighing in at Slimming World to find that I haven't lost any weight this week!  I'm really disappointed about this as I've put so much effort into sticking to the plan but I'll keep going and hope for a better result next week.
  • breaking a mug.
  • cancelling my planned photo walk this morning because it started to rain.
  • breaking the loom band bracelet that one of my pupils made for me (it's attached it to my cornet case but I've caught it on something and it's starting to unravel).

Highs include ...
  • going to the Theatre Royal in Bath this afternoon to see the Mousetrap.  I'd been told 'don't bother going as it is the most boring play you'll ever see' but I thoroughly enjoyed it. 
  • losing myself for a while, joining Harold Fry on his unlikely pilgrimage (the book I'm reading)
  • trying a new recipe for lunch - Slimming World's chicken tikka 
  • putting the finishing touches to my Advent calendar
  • remembering to post a birthday card to my niece (see, my memory hasn't gone even if I have had to send her belated birthday wishes for the last couple of years)!
  • rearranging a date for the decorator to start work - it'll all be finished by November 3rd.  I can't tell you how happy I am about this - it means I can get the music room sorted before Christmas, which I didn't think was going to happen.
I'm staying in tonight.  There's nothing I want to watch on the TV so I think I'll make a start on sorting out another box of Ced's stuff.


  1. I saw The Mousetrap many years ago up in London, loved it. I notice you only had 4 downs and 6 ups, so that's a positive in itself.
    Joy x x


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