Thankful Thursday (just a bit late!)

Throughout the month of October I'm joining in with Mary-Lou's 31 Days of Thankful.  Here my record of the last part of the month.

Friday Oct 23rd | I am thankful for time spent out in the fresh air today; pottering in the garden, wandering along the canal towpath, and walking across the village down to the flood plains. 
Saturday Oct 24th | I am thankful that I have sufficient income and free time to indulge my interests and hobbies; today I visited the Harry Potter Studio Tour and had a fantastic carefree time, but I am aware that there are so many people around the world who couldn't ever hope to do something like that and who's every thought is survival and where the next meal is coming from.
Sunday Oct 25th | I am thankful for the people I know, friends and family, and how they enhance my life. I know I am lucky that I have people who care for me and take the time and trouble to check that I am well.

Monday Oct 26th| I am thankful that the new road is open to traffic and all the temporary traffic lights, diversions, roadworks, and all the delays they caused, have now disappeared. It's a much easier journey to drive into the town centre now.

Tuesday Oct 27th | I am thankful that so many of my memories have been captured on camera.  I've nearly finished sorting all my photos and now hold the majority of them as digital images; I've set some of them to view as a video photo album/screen saver thingy and catching glimpses of them has cheered me up - it's been worth the effort.

Wednesday Oct 28th | I am thankful that I was one of the lucky ones and managed to get tickets to both of the new Harry Potter plays.


Thursday Oct 29th | I am thankful that I have a freezer full of nourishing food and that evening meals can be quick and easy on days when I'm too tired to cook.  I'm grateful that mum taught us to how to cook and was so generous in passing on all her skills.


Friday Oct 30th | I am thankful that a replacement tutor has been found and that my retirement is imminent.  They have to negotiate her new timetable with the schools and then I can do the handover - it should only be two or three weeks now, and then I can finish.  


Saturday Oct 31st | I am thankful for the generous help from a friend's husband who has rebuilt my laptop for me and (hopefully) resolved most, if not all, of the issues I've had with it.
Many thanks to Mary-Lou for organising this. It's been an interesting month and it is true to say that looking for the positives to be thankful for on a daily basis has had an impact on my outlook. 


  1. Thank you again for joining in with Thankful Thursdays. I am glad you enjoyed the adventure & that you found it interesting to do. While focusing on my Gratitude & Thankfulness, an off shoot has been that I am thinking & journaling about envy & jealousy - reminding myself to be thankful for all the many blessings & wonderful life I have, has been a wonderful exercise. I am learning a lot about the difference with envy vs jealousy.

  2. That is neat that your retirement is in sight!!!

  3. Neatly done, as always. Good for you!


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