Five on Friday | The Little Things

Read | I'm reading 'Bitter Fruits' by Alice Clark-Platts.  It's a bit slow going to start off (I'm a quarter of the way through) - I prefer a fast pace in a crime novel.

Watched | Nothing again!  The living room is still piled high with furniture, music books and instruments while I'm waiting for the work to finish.  I can't even see the TV, let alone watch a programme!

Heard | Sorry, I haven't been listening to anything of note.  During the day the workmen have their radio on but it's just a background noise for me - I haven't really been listening - and in the evenings I've opted for peace and quiet, so haven't had any music on.  

Made | I've been making lots of decision on what stays and what goes. I've been ruthless, and have managed to reduce the kitchen paraphernalia by about two-thirds.  Well I say that, but it hasn't actually gone to the charity shop yet!

Worn | Mostly black and white - it's been a very monochrome sort of week.

And Lastly ... I'm taking a break from the house over the weekend.  On Saturday there is no band practice as we are taking the children busking instead, and then on Sunday I am meeting friends for a photo walk at Coates Water Park - I'm taking my new lens and hoping for some decent shots of the wildlife.  Hope you all have a good weekend with lots of fun things planned.

Thanks to Morgana for organising the Little Things, and to Amy for organising Five on Friday.


  1. Good idea to take a break this weekend! Have fun!


  2. Hopefully good weather will follow you this weekend - looking forward to seeing what you have captured on film.

  3. I'd say your ready for a break! Enjoy your weekend

  4. With a topsy turvy living room, I'd say getting out for a photo walk is an excellent thing to do. I had to looking up busking; haven't heard that term before.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend planned, hope the weather holds up.

  6. It sounds as though you need a break! I hope you enjoy the respite from the house and all the work and decision making and can return refreshed to tackle it again next week. Take care of yourself. Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, I hope you have a good weekend!

  7. It does sound good that you are getting away from the house this weekend! Photography sounds like just the thing. I am impressed with your purging.

  8. I'd love to clear about 1/2 the stuff out of my kitchen, but knowing me I'd just buy more.

  9. A monochrome week, great phrase and how brilliant to take the children busking. Looking forward to seeing the photos you take on Sunday

  10. Taking a break sounds like a great idea! What do you and the children do while busking? Hope you find many opportunities for great photos.

  11. Sounds like it will be nice to have a break from the house this weekend. Hope the weather is good for you and you have an enjoyable time.

  12. Enjoy your weekend break, hope the busking goes well and your renovations are completed soon.

  13. Hope you managed to get a break from house stuff over the weekend! xx


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