Blogtoberfest 2014 Day 17: Weigh in Wednesday (on a Friday!!)

I'm a bit late with this one, but better late than never.

I've been doing well with the calorie counting and up until about three weeks ago I was averaging a loss of a pound a week.  Then it just stopped.  I didn't make any changes, was sticking to what had previously worked, but ... no loss.  No gain either, but I've decided that I need to change my approach so this week I signed up with Slimming World.
I did this a few years ago so I know that the SW approach works for me, although it has changed significantly since the last time I did it.  I'm still reading through all the booklets and there is also a lot of online information and support to plough through.  Fingers crossed that this will kick start the weight loss!
Linking with Weigh In Wednesday.


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