Something Snappy at the Garden Centre

It was the February meeting of my Something Snappy u3a group this morning so, despite having spent most of the last two weeks in bed, I decided to go. We were short on numbers today with people either in hospital, away visiting family, or on a cruise, but the four of us who made it had a good time. 

The words for today were 'Begins with T', 'in bloom', 'compost', 'yellow', 'something with wheels', 'nine/9', 'heavy', 'footwear', 'coloured glass', 'sign', and the bonus word was 'clouds'. These are my efforts ...

begins with T

in bloom



something with wheels




coloured glass

a sign or poster


It was a lovely morning and I'm glad I went. It was good to see the others and we shared our photos with each other in the Garden Centre café ... I can definitely recommend their cheese scones! I feel awful now though, so will have to take it easy for the next few days ... this pleurisy thing is never ending!


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