The Last Day of February, and Still Waiting!
Last night I made a list of 'must-do' tasks to be completed today, but at the time of writing this (2:03 pm), I haven't done any of them. I haven't even started!
I woke with the threat of a migraine so took some tablets and went back to sleep, which didn't help my time management one bit. Then once I was up, washed, dressed, and fed, I spent an hour on the phone to Niall, closely followed by an hour long (at least) phone call with friend L, and a quick progress chat with the Estate Agent, by which time the morning had gone and it was time for a late lunch.
I'm hoping to hear back from the Estate Agent later this afternoon. He spoke to the sellers late yesterday afternoon to advise them that it was their own solicitor who was holding up the exchange of contracts ... they were not best pleased and promised to chivvy things along at their end. Fingers are crossed that they are able to get their solicitor back on track and the completion date doesn't have to be pushed back.
Until then I'm tackling a few things on the list, one of which is a trawl of the house and garage to sort out the remainder of things to be recycled. Niall plans to do a trip to the recycling yard on Sunday, so that'll be one more step closer to being ready for the move. I'm not sure how long that will take me, so assuming there is enough time left, I will pack up some more boxes as well, and I also need to tackle my end of month finances. I think the rest of the list will have to wait until tomorrow as I still feel drained from the migraine, and somehow have ended up with a bloodshot eye!
Back tomorrow, hopefully with better news!
All that stress must be so draining. Sending hugs.