Changes to my blog

image from Google

I've been struggling to read the fairly small font I was using on my blog and have finally had to admit that age is taking its toll and I need to use a bigger print!  My specs alone are no longer enough!!  So I increased the font size today.  Please let me know it you find it irritating and/or difficult to read and I'll change it.


  1. I love it.

    I don't like having to squint when trying to read a blog, it really puts me off and I then just skim over the posts.

    I think the font you are using now is perfect (well it is for me)!!



  2. looks great to me, loved your a-z post too it was lovely getting to know more about you and thank you for the mention....tracy x

  3. Looks fine to me too. No point in straining your eyes is there?
    Also there is nothing worse than soggy pages in you book after dropping in the bath lol.


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