100 Happy Days: Day 83

Last week, I joined an online site called 'Meet Ups'.  It is social networking site where groups of like minded individuals can arrange to meet up.  It's not a dating site, although there are specific groups for singles.  I have joined the Bristol/Bath group which seems to organise every type of activity you can possibly think of.  For my first 'meet up' I am joining in with a book club meeting to be held in a pub in Bath next month.   I am feeling really excited about this and it seems like a good way forward for me, allowing me to continue with activities that I find enjoyable but in which my family and friends have absolutely no interest!
The book shown in the photo is the book to be discussed next month. I bought a copy from eBay for 99p and it arrived in the post today so it's time for some reading to be done!


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