Photography Treasure Hunt

Today I was finally able to access my blog again so I can start writing about what I've been up to during my absence from the virtual world.

Starting with today.  This afternoon I organised a photography treasure hunt with friends; I prepared a list of 10 words which we had to find photos for within an hour, and then meet back (at Costa Coffee) to share our photos with each other.  It was pouring down this morning and I thought it would have to be cancelled but fortunately the rain stopped so we were able to meet as planned and complete the hunt.

Here are my photos from this afternoon ...
1. Something beginning with C - chimney pots
2. Circle
3. Reflection
4. Legs
5. Number
6. Edible - photo of one of the adverts outside a pub
7. Green
8. Stripes
9. Communication
10. Looking up

This is the first time we've done anything like this and I was a bit worried that it wouldn't work, either not enough time or the prompts too hard to find, but everyone enjoyed it so we're not going to make any changes to the format for now and just see how it goes.

Our next meeting will be at the start of September when we're off to the Cotswold Wildlife Park to photograph the animals.  P will be taking the lead on that one as she has lots of experience of photographing animals.  They have a giant tortoise there so I'm hoping to get a photo for the Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt.  Fingers crossed!


  1. What a fantastic idea! Great photos as a result too!

  2. Such a cute idea with the scavenger hunt like this! Sounded like lots of fun!


  3. fun idea and great set of 10 items

  4. Lots of fun to do a scavenger hunt with a time limit!

  5. Great finds! Looks as though you and your friends had fun! xx


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