Progress on the Move


This is what I'll be packing away this morning. The stuff in the four stacked crates will take a while as they are filled with various bits of camera equipment that needs to all be packed individually for the actual move.  

There's some good news on the legal side of the move this morning. The Estate Agent has advised that the sellers' solicitor in now ready to exchange, so that should be done today. I won't relax until I hear from my own solicitor that the exchange of contracts has actually happened though ... fingers are crossed.

Niall was here over the weekend and worked hard to complete loads of the tasks on the 'Moving' list. He's done most of the outside tasks now, and also the heavier things indoors that I was struggling with, so I feel a lot further forward in my preparation.

We've both earned a bit of a rest this afternoon so will be going to the u3a Canasta group for a couple of hours. We'll definitely miss it next time as that will be Moving Day, so we're making the time to attend. It's always fun and it'll be a good way to relax.


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