Something Snappy in Devizes

Yesterday was the March meeting of my Something Snappy Group. We met in Devizes at 10am and separated to spend the next hour looking for photos for the words I'd published for the day. This time we were looking for 'begins with U', 'red', 'at least 100 years old', 'upright', 'starts with the same letter as your Christian name', 'circular', 'an animal', 'prohibited', 'fruit', and 'broken'. The bonus was' something to do with beer'.

Here are my attempts ...

begins with U - utensils

red - red tomatoes

at least 100 years old - Devizes Market Cross built in 1814

upright - one of the lamp posts in the Market Square

starts with the same letter as your Christian name - E is for eggs

circular - the graphics on a van

an animal - pigeons

prohibited - a sign asking people not to feed the pigeons

fruit - assorted fruits on display outside a greengrocers

broken - a broken paving slab in the indoor market

bonus: to do with beer - a display of beer on sale in a café 


  1. Some great pics here, Eileen. The broken paving stone I particularly liked.

    1. Thanks Carole. That was a lucky last minute find - we all struggled with 'broken'. xx

  2. Great prompts and you found some good pictures for them! I've missed your monthly photo challenges.


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