It's Started!

N arrived bright and early this morning to start work. He's currently outside replacing the post supporting the side gate which was damaged earlier this year when kids climbed over into my garden to 'find their ball!'. Their parents are paying for this, not happily, but they are responsible for the damage caused by their children. When asked why they didn't do the right thing and ring the bell, the boys looked very sheepish and wouldn't answer so I have doubts about what they were really up to. I haven't had any problems since so hopefully involving the parents has resolved that issue before their behaviour became a problem.

This means I'm hanging around at home today and I'm not sure what to do with myself. I have a couple of phone calls to make later but apart from that ... I don't know. I'm waiting on my neighbours, who both work nights, to wake so their side gate can be opened to allow access to their side of the fence panel which also has to be replaced, so can't wander off until that's sorted. I'm also expecting a friend to drop some books back that she borrowed, which'll be today ... some time! I can't start the laundry or do any cooking as once N has finished outside he will be completing some bits and pieces in the kitchen and I don't want to be in the way.

At the moment I'm upstairs to type this and deal with my emails, but once that's done it may be a day for staying out of the way and reading. That sounds like a plan!


  1. I love days at home with nothing really planned or that has to be done. Good that N has arrived early to get those odd jobs done & out of the way. From yesterday's photo it looks like you got that much needed rain. Glad you got a positive resolve in addressing the children's antics. We had a similar situation with a neighbour's son - unfortunately the Mother's reaction was one to laugh & make jokes about his behaviour, at least the Father ensured that their son cleaned up the mess of the washable paint balls he fired at ours & others houses. He kicked in our gate in return anger but again the Mom said you didn't witness it so how do you know it was him. Trust me this young man is headed to a life of petty crime if his Mother's attitude doesn't change, they'll be hoping for a prison close by not a university.

  2. It sounds like an extremely good plan!

  3. I love "pootling" days.Nothing better.A bit of this and a bit of that.

  4. Sounds like a good plan - relax and take it easy while the work is being done.


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