Yesterday and Today
I've finally caught up with the skip runs. A good part of yesterday morning was tied up with taking the garden waste and rubbish from the garage to the local recycling centre. It took three car loads to clear everything out but, as last time, a member of staff helped me empty the car on each trip. I didn't have to ask, there was someone offering to help as soon as I'd parked the car. Either I look pathetic or it's their new policy - I noticed plenty of staff around all helping to unload cars. The contract to run the recycling centre was recently awarded to a new firm and it's certainly been a change for the better. My neighbour has also kindly said that I can put any garden waste in their recycling bin if there is room, so that will make things easier in the future.
Yesterday was also all about catching up with the laundry. Two loads done, dried, and either put away or stacked on the ironing pile. It was a lot cooler so I could have got on with the ironing without melting, but I opted to get some of the band admin done and out of the way instead. In two weeks time it's our end of term concert to parents, the AGM and the end of year presentations to the children, so I made a start on printing the certificates. I just have to check the registers and work out who has won the attendance award, finish writing my reports for the AGM, and then I'm pretty much up to date on the secretarial side, just the financial side still to check.
Last night I went to see the comedian, Tom Allen. I've been to see lots of comedians over the last five years and, although I've always enjoyed them on TV, I've been slightly disappointed when seeing them live. The only ones who fully lived up to expectations were Jason Manford, Alan Davies, Sandie Toksvig and Sarah Millican, and now I can add Tom Allen to that list ... a brilliant evening!
Later this morning I'm off to a Silver Screen showing of 'The Leisure Seekers' at the Odeon; only £3 per person and that includes coffee and biscuits. I missed it when it was first released so I'm pleased to have this chance to see it. Going to the cinema during the day, and especially in the morning, is a bit of a guilty pleasure trying to ignore that feeling that I should be doing something more constructive with my time ... it won't stop me enjoying the film though!
This afternoon I hope to do a bit more in the garden and maybe try to move some of the pots around. At the very least I need to wash the patio furniture to clear off a huge spider's web as I have friends coming round this evening and I'd like us to sit outside - now I'm getting rid of the living room furniture, I'm in the strange situation of having more seating outside than in until the new furniture is delivered. I have no idea when that will be as I haven't even chosen it yet!
That sounds like a very well run recycling centre. Good for whoever runs it! And happy hunting for new seating - have fun.
ReplyDeleteIt is very well organised and is a vast improvement on how it used to be. Re: the seating, I know what I want, I just have to find it now!
DeleteI bet that is such a good feeling getting all that clearing done. Nice helpful staff at the recycle centre a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteYes, it does feel good. I just have to keep up the momentum and get it all finished.
DeleteYou got a lot accomplished, yesterday! I am hoping that I will have your motivation to get things done, when I am retired! :D
ReplyDeleteI have every confidence in you Bless.