Three Good Things

It's not even lunch time and already there are three things worth celebrating.

One | the home improvement work has finally started. N has a bit of free time between other jobs so is using it to complete some of my smaller jobs ... boxing in the pipe from when the new boiler was installed (luckily I have extra tiles from when the kitchen was done), installing a drying rack in the airing cupboard, and repairing a fence panel and the side gate. He's here again on Monday to carry on with the smaller jobs and then the main work will start almost as soon as I get back from holiday at the end if August.

Two | it was the monthly family history society meeting on Thursday, a members night when people help problem solve and/or share ideas on how someone can move forward with their research. I've been stuck on my Imber ancestors for a while now so was hoping for a suggestion on sorting it out. It turns out that one of the other members has Imber ancestors, a different family but who had married various members of my family through the years. He was told about my interest and he brought all of his research with him for me to look through to see if it was of any help. He also had copies of the transcripts of the parish registers which he's loaned to me. Well the end result is that a couple of hours yesterday together with another session this morning and I've got it sorted. I've added another generation and have some information on the preceding two generations but now need to access the Heytesbury records for the next lot of research.

Three | as I type this post all I can hear is the thunderstorm. Yes, it's raining at long last! The forecast is for rain all day today and tomorrow, so lets hope that for once the forecast is correct. 


  1. Fingers crossed for rain. We have had several days of rain at sometime in the day/evening. My gardens are most thankful. Yeah for the builder man doing some of the smaller jobs, nice to get them done. Nice to have help with your family records.

  2. I love your good things. We've had rain here too and it is so much cooler. Wonderful.

  3. How nice to have the house projects started! I am glad that you were able to get some of your family tree filled in! And I'm glad you are getting some rain. There is no rain in our forecast, over here, and probably won't be until sometime in October!


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