Project Clothes Sorting


Well, I've found something to do to keep me occupied. I keep my clothes in two cupboards, one for all the pieces that need to be on hangers and another for folded pieces on shelves and/or in baskets. Both cupboards are a mess and are driving me nuts so Project Clothes Sorting began today, starting with the items on coat hangers. 

I usually keep it much better organised than you can see in the photo, storing like items together and arranged by colour so that's I can see at a glance to put together an outfit for the day. I don't know why I abandoned that as it worked well, and I have no idea where all the extra coat hangers came from ... do they breed or something? 

I'm starting by trying on every piece of clothing I own. I'm not considering whether a particular piece goes with anything else at this stage, just asking myself whether I still like it, will I wear it, and does it fit. Anything that fails one of those questions will go straight into a charity shop bag. I'll also check the pieces I decide to keep to see if any of them need repairing ... I know a couple of skirts could do with having the elastic in the waistband replaced and there's sure to be some missing buttons etc. I'll put those pieces to one side and make a start on repairs when I feel up to it. 

All of this is going to take a while. I get really bored trying clothes on and the decision making can be stressful. I know I tend to keep things that fit but I don't ever wear 'just in case' and I want to push myself to overcome that attitude this time. I don't have the space to keep things that I never wear and I need the room for some new clothes ... my lifestyle has changed but my wardrobe hasn't kept up with that so I need to eventually buy some new pieces that meet my current needs.


  1. Good for you. It will feel/look so satisfying once all done. xx

    1. Thanks Joy. It's long overdue and I'll feel much happier when it is done. xx

  2. I hope you don't find the sorting too stressful. I have so many things that no longer fit and always think one day but I doubt I will ever be that slim again. I have a problem with letting go. Hope it goes well for you xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. I think I'll be okay with the sorting. I feel ready to do it, rather than feeling it is something I 'have' to do, so am planning to take it slowly and not overdo things. I am the same about letting things go but I feel ready to allow the last few items I wore for teaching and also the various band uniforms I still have, all taking up much needed space. xx

  3. This is a good job to do. At one time I had 4 double wardrobes and two single wardrobes full of clothing, shoes, handbags etc. I was still teaching at the time so needed different types of clothing. Slowly I have got down to one wardrobe and a couple of chests. Two years ago I started sorting again and lots of things went to the charity shop and some clothing still with labels on were sold. Now I need to buy some new clothing. But I feel much better with happier with less clothing and I am sure you will too. Let us know how you get on. Helen S.

    1. You've done really well reducing your clothing by that amount. I probably have the same as you have now, so it's not such a big job for me. I will need to buy some new clothes at the end of this ... that's the dangling carrot to keep me going! xx

  4. Ha! Great minds thinking alike! I started sorting out my closet, yesterday! One of my cousins has given me more clothes, so I hung them up with the hangers facing backward; I will replace the hangers the regular way once I've worn the items. I dislike trying on garments, so, my plan is wear each garment in turn and set aside the ones I decide don't fit me/suit me/I don't like how it looks on me, etc. My daughter will get to look through them and take what she likes and the rest will be donated.
    Good luck with your wardrobe organizing!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes trying on clothes. I like your approach but don't think it will work for me this time ... I need to be ruthless and get rid of all the unsuitable garments so the quickest way is to try everything on. I didn't get as far as I'd hoped yesterday as I ran out of energy very quickly but at least I made a start and can do a bit more today. xx

  5. It sounds like you've made a good start. This is something I need to do! I also dislike trying clothes on.

    1. I'm glad I've finally started sorting my clothes out. It's been on my mind for ages so it feels good to be doing something about it at long last. Just make that start and you won't regret it. xx

  6. You have such good taste that I'm sure it will be hard to cull. I hope you get it sorted soon.


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