Something Snappy in Warminster

My U3A Something Snappy Photo Group met at the end of September for another photo hunt. The weather was kind to us and we were able to look for our photos in and around the High Street in Warminster. The words to find photos for were: begins with G, orange, a forename/Christian name, ironwork, stripes or dots, out of place, a logo, 9/nine, symmetry, transport, and the bonus word was to find something historical to show the rest of the group

begins with G - a selection of glasses on display in an optician's shop

orange - part of a Halloween display in one of the charity shops

a Christian name - Lauren

ironwork - a bit of a cheat really as this is an enamelled sign, but I couldn't find a decent photo of any of the ironwork around the town

stripes or dots - the textured paving to assist blind people

out of place - a van parked on a double yellow line!

a logo - seen on the Blue Cross for Pets charity shop

9/nine - a statue of a girl sitting on top of nine sacks of corn

symmetry - part of a grating

transport - a bicycle propped against a lamppost

bonus: something historical - one of the blue heritage plaques

We ended our session with coffee and cake in a nearby café. We welcomed a new member this time so it was a good opportunity to get to know her and also to share our photos with the rest of the group. Next month's venue was agreed on - Trowbridge town centre if dry, or the Parish Church or the Museum if it is wet. 


  1. Your group really is thriving by all accounts - that's so lovely and the photos are great. xx

    1. I think the group is as big as I want it to be with this latest new member, so I will start a waiting list if anyone shows an interest.
      It's worked out well and I have met some lovely people through the group. Thanks re the photos. xx

  2. Loved your photos for each prompt! The statue of the girl sitting on top of the sack of corn has to be a one of a kind!

    1. Thanks Bless. I didn't know about that statue so was delighted to find it hidden away at the end of a precinct. xx

  3. What a great set of photos. I like the dog nuisance sign although not much of a deterrent these days :) My favourite is the statue of the girl on the sacks of corn

    1. Thanks Eileen. I was pleased to find the sign even though it didn't really fit the prompt. I'm not sure how much of a deterrent it was as it's quite small and easily missed. xx

  4. I do like your photos, my favourite is the grating something functional and yet easy on the eye. I can see a design like this on a card. Helen S.

  5. Glad to see that you were able to get out with your group & have some fun with the search list. I wonder if the corn market folks commissioned that statue of the girl on sacks of corn - it certainly is a fun find.

  6. Lovely photos. Sounds like a great time out! Wish I could find something like that


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