Something Snappy in Trowbridge

The weather forecast wasn't promising so this months Something Snappy meet was held in St James' Church in Trowbridge. The words were: 'begins with H', 'brown', 'triangle', 'seasonal', 'entrance', 'spiral', 'long', 'ceremonial', 'corner', '3/three', and the bonus word was 'connected with Wiltshire'.

Here's my selection ...

begins with H - the door hinge

brown - the pulpit

triangle - 15 holes arranged to create a triangular pattern, the design on a music stand 

seasonal - the colour of the alter cloth changes depending on the liturgical season

entrance - the door to the vestry

spiral - one of the poppy wreathes

long - the length of the nave

ceremonial - it's not easy to see but this is a photo of some of the choir robes

corner - a pine cone found in the corner of a desk

3/three - three wheatsheaves on a hassock

bonus: connected with Wiltshire - some of the colours (flags) of the Wiltshire Regiment

We all had a good time and the volunteers in the church were very helpful and welcoming. On Wednesday mornings the church hold a coffee morning so we were able to get hot drinks and biscuits (sadly no cake!) without having to dodge the raindrops and walk to a café. There were only five of us this time, but we had a good laugh and also decided on the next venue - it'll be Trowbridge Museum next time, which should be interesting. 

An added bonus was that I also managed to get a selection of photos for my monthly photo challenge as well!


  1. St James is a beautiful church, and topped with a lovely coffee too.. sounds like a good visit.

    1. It is a beautiful church and today's visit was a lovely reminder of that. I actually had hot chocolate, which was yummy. It was a good visit and all the group members managed to get a full set of photos, so everyone was happy.xx

  2. As always, you have taken some wonderful photos for the prompts! I'm not finding a lot of things for the monthly challenge, this time around. Nothing much is changing in my area!

    1. Thanks Bless.

      I'm not finding the monthly challenge as easy as I thought it would be. There isn't much foliage changing so far so there's no chance of the colourful photos I was imagining! xx

  3. Lovely lot of photos. Glad the people in the church were accommodating.

    1. Thanks Sharon. I think they were happy to see us as we were the only ones there for the majority of the time! xx

    2. You did really well with your photos in fact they are fabulous.

  4. Churches are the most interesting places, love your photo's.

    1. Thanks Marlene. Yes, churches are fascinating places. xx

  5. Great photos. Such a lovely and interesting church.

    1. Thanks Carole. I think this church is worth another visit just to record its history. xx

  6. Such a beautiful church. I like your photo of the very large hinge & of the very ornate pulpit.

    1. I love all the ironwork in this church - it's big and beautifully crafted. The pulpit is amazing and the ends of all the pews match parts of the designs on the pulpit. xx


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