Quizzes, Puzzles and Musicals

One of my neighbours has organised a quiz for all the houses in the Close. It's a puzzle one along the lines of "200 P for P G in M" * but this one is based on the titles of nursery rhymes. We have until Sunday morning to complete and return it and the winning household will win a small prize.

The choir quiz was hard this week - there was an extra round with famous lines from movies but I'd only seen three of them so lost a lot of points in that round. I ended up scoring 50.5 out of 73 but didn't completely fail as the winning score was only 56. I did much better in the Harry Potter quiz once I'd found the correct event and scored 87 out of 100 ( at least I think it was out of 100 but there were so many questions where you could score more than 1 that I lost track. I'm pleased with how I got on though. 

I seems to be in the mood for puzzles at the moment. I spent time working on the jigsaw yesterday and will do the same today. I also played scrabble online with a friend and I had a go at some logic problems in one of the puzzle books. 

Today, I'm turning to musicals to amuse myself. I'll definitely be watching Phantom of the Opera this morning as it is only available for 24 hours from it's release at 7pm yesterday,  and then will probably watch Beauty and the Beast on DVD. In between, to take a break from staring at the screen, I'll do some piano practice.

Today's list of things to do:
  • physical: Doctor Jo's knee exercises
  • in the fresh air: not today, it's raining!
  • around the house: nothing, it's the weekend!
  • social: phone calls to friends
  • fun: jigsaw puzzle, piano, watching Phantom of the Opera

200 Pounds for Passing Go in Monopoly" 


  1. I didn't realise it was only 24 hours for Phantom. Guess what I will be doing this morning then!

    1. It's due to rights restrictions in the UK. It's 48 hours everywhere else but only 24 hours here. I've just finished watching it!

  2. Well done Eileen on all those quizzes. I forgot that it was 7:30pm UK time so 2:30p our time & I was on the phone making check in calls to our church seniors. I'll be watching Phantom. Enjoy that fresh air :)

    1. The HP quiz was based on the films and was easy enough although I confused my answers with the books on a few questions. I love the music in Phantom so watching it has prompted me to hunt out some of the instrumentation parts and have a play through.

  3. You did great on those quizzes! I don't do well on quizzes, at all! I love how you are finding all these things to do and watch, while you are staying home! :)

    1. I love quizzes! There are plenty of Broadway shows available for free in the USA if you like that sort of thing.

  4. I just love a puzzle. I have just finished one and am debating whether to start another one.

    1. I've got two more to do when I finish this one so I'm okay for a while. They're a great way of passing the time aren't they?


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