Yesterday and Today

In the end, yesterday turned out to be more productive than I'd expected ... not by normal standards but certainly by how I'm feeling in these strange times ... two loads of washing dried and put away, clean sheets on the bed and bedroom dusted, and kitchen bins emptied and grey wheelie bin taken to the kerb.

I sat outside for a while until an enormous sparrowhawk turned up to keep me company when I very quickly decamped indoors. I kept myself busy  during the day doing some more on the jigsaw puzzle, reading, and started back on the family tree research. I had a long chat with Julie ... B and K are both back at work, so that's good news. In the evening I watched the Repair Shop and then read until it was time for bed. All things considered, it was a good day ... and no weepy moments!

On to this morning and as soon as I go downstairs I'll throw the last of the vegetables in the slow cooker along with some lentils and stock, which will sort out one of my meals for today.  The remainder will be portioned and frozen for future meals. 

I'd like to carry on with the family tree today. It needs tidying up a bit before I start searching for additional information but I feel in the right mood to make a start. I decided that I need something I can get involved in that requires me to concentrate and this fits the bill. The time should pass quickly.

Tonight is the virtual quiz so I'll be linking up with J and L to see if we can beat last week's effort. It finishes just after 9pm so I will go on up to bed then and read until I feel sleepy.

Today's list of things to do:
  • physical: Doctor Jo's knee exercises
  • in the fresh air: time in the garden
  • around the house: maybe sort out kitchen cupboards?
  • social: virtual quiz with J and L
  • fun: jigsaw puzzle, family tree research


  1. I'm so glad that yesterday turned out better than you expected. :) Sounds like you were quite productive. Have you started on a new jigsaw puzzle?

    I hope today will be another good day for you. Good luck on the quiz!

    1. Yes, I have started a new jigsaw puzzle - I'll add a photo in tomorrow's post.

      Yesterday was reasonably productive but I think it was a one day wonder. All I've done so far today is bring the wheelie bin back in!

  2. I am so glad yesterday turned out to be a good day for you. Bringing the wheelie bin in is productive, so score on that. How's the cupboard tidying coming along? Today I am scheduled for some crafting along with a quick visit to the pharmacy (chemist) & if I am feeling brave & there's no line up, the post office is right behind the pharmacy, I'll get myself some stamps so I can mail some of those cards I've been making . It's a good day to have a good day! :)

    1. The cupboard tidying isn't really happening, mainly due to not really having a clear idea on how I can improve things. I know it needs to be improved, that it can be improved, I just can't see how 🤔

      Enjoy your crafting and hope you manage to get some stamps. Stay safe x

  3. I'm happy for you that your day went so well :) Time in the garden is a joy. I've never had a personal visit from a sparrowhawk when I was outside, but a red-tailed hawk visited our finch flight once.

    The cupboard tidying will be done for the foreseeable future once it's done I'd think, so at least you can look forward to that day :) It's hard to figure out the best arrangement, though.

    1. I see the sparrowhawk regularly. It usually perches on the fence but this time actually settled down on the patio.

      I've tried lots of arrangements in the kitchen but am still searching for the best!


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