23/52: Touch a Gold Post Box

Post boxes have been painted red since about 1874, before that they were painted green and now some of them have been painted gold to celebrate the achievements of the Olympic gold medallists.  It's such a quirky British way to celebrate that I couldn't miss out on going to see one.

Luckily the nearest one is only 3 miles away so today I went to see it ... and for the first time ever, touched a gold post box.  I don't know how long the gold paint will stay before they are returned to the traditional red so I didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Here it is:


  1. Fantastic tribute to the Olympic winners!


  2. Certifiably not an opportunity to be missed! I'm not one my own then!! I got a photo of our one!

  3. Das ist ja mal eine witzige Idee...

    Lieben Gruß

  4. I wondered where they would put it. Looks good.


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