Weekly Snippets {weeks 29 - 32}

I don't know how I've managed to get so far behind, but anyway, in no particular order here's what's been happening during the last four weeks.

My sister and BIL have moved into their new home and now the hard work starts.  First, it's to renew the electrics (which is being done this weekend whilst they are away at the Olympics) and that will be followed immediately by the installation of the central heating system.  After that they can get the house organised and then decorate room by room in slower time.

It's a lovely house and the garden is massive - lots of photo opportunities there!

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I went to the 'Christmas in July' card-making event.  It was fantastic, much better than I was expecting.  We made three projects - a card & gift box, a Christmas decoration and a decorated tin containing six handmade gift tags.

The icing on the cake was that I won one of the raffle prizes.  I chose a set of rubber stamps which are priced at over £40 in the catalogue - I've wanted them for ages but couldn't justify the price.
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As far as work is concerned, I managed to complete all the reports on the new template and issue them on time. Lauren completed her work experience with me.  She was brilliant company (I know I'm biased!) and I'll miss having her with me next term.  It was lovely to see her interacting with the younger children and to see her confidence growing.  She ended the week actually taking some of the lessons on her own.

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I had the results of the x-ray on my left hand.  Apparently I have osteoarthritis in the base of my thumb. It's not really the news I wanted - the doctor originally thought it was likely to be a trapped nerve - but I can't change it so I'll have to lump it!  Looks like I can possibly improve the symptoms by losing weight and exercising.  We'll see how it goes!

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I went to another card-making project class where we made three different folded cards; a gatefold card, a slider card and another really complicated one but I can't remember what the style is called.

I have one more card-making class booked for next week, where we'll learn three new techniques and then I will have completed another of my 52 things.

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I've started working on the photography course.  As part of the course I have to keep a learning log and I've been experimenting with the best way to do it.  The first week I did it as a blog and the second week I maintained it as a MS Word document.  I've decided that the blog is the way to go so my next task is to update the information from the document.

I'm really enjoying it so far but the pressure is off as I'm not working, so have plenty of time to do the work.  The real test comes when school starts again in September.

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We've had a few family birthdays - Ragbag's birthday is on Christmas Day so she has presents and a party on her half-year.  She is now 3½ and had a lovely party and lots of pressies. Boo is now 2 years old, still a Princess and a big Peppa Pig fan, so it was easy to choose a gift for her!  Last but not least, Wriggle has just celebrated her 1st birthday by walking - there's no stopping her now!

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There's probably a lot more to tell but this is all I can remember.  I have lots planned for this week, trying to get out every day. On Tuesday I'm off to the American Museum in Bath to see a photographic exhibition and a quilting bee.  On Thursday I'm off to Warminster with Laura and her children to do the 'Go bustard' trail and some more geocaching.  The other days I'll be out working on the exercises for the photography course.

I hope you all have a good week.  Take care!


  1. sounds like you've had a busy week. i'm loving all your cards.

    I'm very jealous of your sister too Eileen....I so wish we had tickets. Watching the athletics as i type x

  2. You have packed a lot into your week. Oh your lucky sister to have tickets for the Olympics - I've been glued to the telly all week. I see that Murray won gold for tennis today. We have done well as a country this time.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing all the Bustards, I've only had time to look for a few, and have found 4 so far.
    Joy x x

  4. Dearest Eileen,
    Oh, it sure seems that you had a busy week. And how lucky your sisiter is♡♡♡ Haha, like Ellie I've been glued to the TV as well. And feeling happy that Japanese team doing fine.
    Your three different folded cards are SO LOVELY; I enjoyed seeing the enlarged picture♬♬♬
    PS> Thank you very much for following me.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*


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