E. A. S. Y. Tuesday {3}

I'm linking with Mary and Renae for E.A.S.Y Tuesday 3.

E - enthusiasm

A - awesome

S - simple

Y - yes, positive

all images from Google


  1. Dearest Eileen,
    I just found about this E.A.S.Y Tuesday.
    You did wonderfully to represent these words♡♡♡

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Great job Eileen! Thank you for doing an E.a.s.Y. Tuesday post! You are fun and I loved all of your thoughts for today too.

  3. OH that is sooooo cool! Your easy post is so much fun. Thanks you. (That picture is a cartoon of funny looking people going to a class reunion, he has on a life vest..and she says it's incase of a flood of memories. But I do not know why it isn't showing up...sorry)

  4. I love your selection of pictures, especially the last one! Absolutely true! :)

  5. Good morning Eileen!Glad to meet you!I am following you!Lovely post!I invite you for a cup of tea at my bloghouse!Nice living in UK!!Some day i hope to come!Greetings from Athens..DIMI


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