
The honeysuckle is growing over the fence again. This has really cheered me up and I am keeping my fingers crossed that my neighbours have no plans to cut it down. I must remember to ask them next time I see them.

Apart from getting my hair cut yesterday, the rest of the stuff on my to-do list didn't get done. Shortly after breakfast I started to feel unwell with stomach pains - no raised temperature or any other symptoms, just the pain which gradually got worse. I thought it was probably a stress related thing and the pain wasn't severe enough to warrant any medical attention so I just had a quiet day and by the early evening the pain had disappeared. Today I just feel a bit tender in that area, most likely from clenching muscles but apart from that I am fine.

As for today, I have an interesting task to complete. I've thrown a load of vegetables and spices in the slow cooker so my evening meal is sorted which leaves me free to spend the entire day reading and making notes. A very good friend is trying out some writing in a new-to-him genre and has asked some of his friends to read the extracts, make notes, and then he will arrange a get together to discuss our reviews of what he's written. He's already had work published but I think this is his first serious attempt at writing adult fiction. I want to make a start on the reading today as then I have plenty of time to look through it again if I need to. I'm looking forward to this, it should be interesting!


  1. Fingers crossed that the honeysuckle is allowed to be shared. I wonder if there are abdomen muscles that were used in singing the other night that hadn't been used for awhile & they are sore ... no matter glad you are feeling better. I hope you enjoy your day.

    1. The muscles used to provide support in singing are the same ones used to support when playing a musical instrument so they are well used and wouldn't be the problem. I'm putting it down to anxiety/stress based on how I was feeling before I went to the choir. Hope you have a good day too x

  2. Sounds like an interesting project!

    I hope you're feeling better today. That sounds like an awful 24-hour bug.

    1. I am feeling much better today thanks, back to normal. I'm sure it was stress related, not a bug - it was very similar to the anxiety pains I had when caring for my late partner.

      The reading project is proving to be extremely interesting and I am looking forward to the review session.

  3. Good that you are feeling better.Keep warm and look after yourself.

  4. Glad to read that you are feeling better. Stress can really impact us in many different ways!

    I'm sure your neighbor will be happy to share the honeysuckle vine with you. Let them know you like it coming over - they might be keeping it trimmed in case you objected to it coming on to your side.

    Sounds like a very interesting project, helping your friend with his book! The review session should be interesting, too.

    1. The honeysuckle used to grow over the fence but the plant was damaged a couple of years ago in a storm and the neighbours dug it out. Although it seems the plant has other ideas and has grown again and is now peeping over the fence so I hope they will let it stay. They know I'm happy for it to grow over the fence just as they are happy that one of my roses is growing over to their side.

      The book extracts were fascinating and I am really excited for the group review.


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