All About ... 2015 | Year In Review

What did you do in 2015 that you’ve never done before? I went on a one-to-one photography workshop, learning all about landscape photography, the use of filters and also had a try at some 'artistic' photos using intentional camera movement.  I've done lots of photography over the years but this is the first photography related learning event I've ever done without Ced being by my side.

Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year?  Yes and no!  I managed to replenish my 'rainy day' fund, I focused on my 'one little word' and I did lots of things on my 101 list, but I failed miserably on the weight loss, and I didn't manage to update my blog every day.  Yes, I will set some targets for 2016 but I'm still trying to decide what they'll be.

Did anyone close to you give birth? No.

Did anyone close to you die? No.  

What countries did you visit? I didn’t travel abroad in 2015 and the farthest I managed in the UK was a trip to the Isle of Anglesey for the photography workshop.

What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015? I lacked time to do some of the things I wanted to do in 2015, but things will be different in 2016 ... retiring from work ensures that!

What date from 2015 will remain etched in your memory and why? November 13th - my retirement date.

What was your biggest achievement of the year? Establishing a social life, making plenty of new friends, and reaching the stage where I feel content with my life. Oh, and retiring from work, of course!

What was your biggest failure? It's the same as last year - not carrying on with the weight loss and not exercising. 

Did you suffer illness or injury? Fortunately nothing major.  I've had my fair share of coughs and colds during the year but no new major illnesses. I take medication daily for hypertension and I have diverticulitis (which luckily seems to be under control and relatively pain free), and also ongoing problems with my shoulders, but I'm happy to report that things are going well on the health front.

What was the best thing you bought?  That has to be my new camera, a Canon 7D. I still need to get a decent lens for it but it's a vast improvement on my Nikon, which is now relegated to being my snappy camera. 

Where did most of your money go? On entertainment; day trips, theatre trips, a photography workshop, cinema trips, concerts, curry nights, a cooking course, an art course, and lots of social events.  I've had a fantastic social life this year!

What did you get really, really, really excited about? I know I got excited about lots of things in 2015 but now that I need to list them, I can't remember!  I ticked lots of things off my 101 list, including visiting Buckingham Palace, the Harry Potter Studio tour, a photography workshop, and completing an art course.
Compared to this time last year are you:
  • Happier or sadder? A bit happier.  I still miss Ced but things don't seem so bleak any more and I'm coping with the loss much better.
  • Thinner or fatter? A little thinner!
  • Richer or poorer? Slightly richer.

What do you wish you’d done more of? Nothing really.  2015 had been a year of getting on and doing lots of those things I've always wanted to do.
What do you wish you’d done less of? That will be the same as last year ... giving in to what others think is right for me, just to avoid confrontation and have  a quiet life!  I'm getting better at dealing with this though and generally speaking, this aspect of my life is getting easier.

How did you spend Christmas? Much the same as last year: I chose to spend most of Christmas Day on my own and went to Julie's home in the evening to celebrate with her and her family.  On Boxing Day I met friends for a curry at our favourite Indian restaurant and on the 27th I went to see a live screening of the Royal Ballet's The Nutcracker. 
Did you fall in love in 2015? No.  My heart is still with Ced, which is what I said last year as well. I don't think that will ever change.
What was your favourite TV show? I've watched quite a lot of TV this year, but nothing stands out as being a favourite show. I've watched most of the repeats of Lewis, and enjoyed a new detective series starring Nicola Walter - River - where the lead character was haunted by murder victims.
What was the best book you read? The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. 
What was your greatest musical discovery of 2015? I'm not sure that I had a greatest musical discovery. I listen to lots of music but no one piece of music, song or performer has really grabbed my attention this year.
What did you want and get? I wanted a social life and I wanted to retire, and I'm happy to say that both of these have been achieved.
What did you want and not get? I can't really think of anything, although I'm sure there must have been something. I realise that I'm lucky to be able to say this as it means that there was nothing major that I wanted and didn't get. 
What was your favourite film this year?  Not really a film, but I saw it via a National Theatre Live screening at the Odeon so I'm counting it - Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch.
What did you do on your birthday? I was supposed to be meeting up with a friend but she cancelled at the last minute due to illness so I was at a bit of a loose end when Julie phone to ask for my help.  She was moving house the next day so I ended up helping her finish packing, moving things to my garage, moving her youngest daughter's fish tank to my house, and transferring the big garden furniture and patio heaters over to the new house.  Not quite the sort of day I'd planned but still fun, and spent in the company of my best friend and her daughters.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? There isn't really one thing.  It has been an extremely satisfying year for me as, on the whole, everything has worked out as I wanted it to.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015? I still don't have a personal fashion concept! Whatever is comfortable and fits!  
What kept you sane?  the little things ... music, books, photography. 
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? As last year, I don't really fancy any celebrity or public figure but I follow David Tennant on Facebook.
What political issue stirred you the most? The immigration issues and the refuge crisis in Europe.  Also, the discussions on euthanasia and assisted suicide for the terminally ill. 

Who did you miss? Ced.  It'll always be the same answer I think.  

Who was the best new person you met? I actually met up with a new blogging friend - Sandie who writes over at itchifingers - and I've made lots of new friends locally through various meet up events.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015. Let things go - you will always have the memories.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.  I can't think of anything - I don't often listen to songs so I'm not too good on lyrics. I mostly listen to classical music.


  1. That was a good recap of your year; good to put in into perspective like this with answering the questions. Basically seemed like a pretty good year! Way to go too for establishing a social life; I need to work on that in the new year.


  2. I really enjoyed reading this post Eileen, a good way to get to know you more and all in all it sounds a positive and exciting year. It was lovely to meet up and I had a big smile to see my name mentioned, thank you. I hope next year brings you more of the same but even better. Enjoy using your new camera and meeting people, and who knows, we might be able to meet up again some time. By the way - good book choice! That has to stand out as one of my all time favourites.

  3. Absolutely a wonderful recap of your fabulous year - thanks for sharing it with us. I think some of your achievements are SO amazing, it takes a lot of courage to make new friends. Bravo! I look forward to more of your adventures shared on your blog in 2016. Happy New Year.

  4. A good way to sum things up and to look forward! xx

  5. Sounds like you have taken some brave new steps after the loss of your beloved soul mate.

  6. All in all a very positive round-up. Must feel gratifying. Well done - I know very well that it isn't easy. I too am starting to feel a sense of ... tranquility? ... at any rate baby steps all add up to something very worthwhile. A very happy 2016 and here's to more of the same!

  7. May I just say thank you - you have been an inspiration to me this last year, although I have not often found time to comment on your posts after reading them. I resolve to be better at that in future.
    You have handled your new life alone and your retirement so well. I, too, "retired" in October, except I only had a few weeks for it to sink in as it wasn't planned!
    You have been so busy learning new things and taking part in photography challenges, that I am SO impressed.
    I hope to keep company with your blog again in 2016 and try to learn from it, although I will never be able to keep up with all your energy!
    Onwards and upwards...
    Have a great new year :)

  8. A great read Eileen and I have to admire you for all you have achieved this year and taken on board, very inspirational. Hope 2016 is just as good for you if not better. Xxx

  9. Hi Eileen, I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR Hugs.
    (Your photos are so beautiful. I loved the pairs below).


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