
I'm typing this post while I'm waiting for the cleaner to arrive. I feel strangely anxious but I'm sure it will be fine.

I have to get on with some things that are needed at band tomorrow. We have a new member so I've been in to the Town Hall to sort out a music folder for him; he can't share with the others because they all play treble clef but he, playing trombone, needs the bass clef music.

Tomorrow we are starting an instrument check to make sure all the children have been maintaining their instruments properly. In preparation I need to print off some more inventory forms and re-organise the instrument register ... can you spot the spelling mistake on the folder spine? It's been like that for about three years and I've only just noticed!

Once that's all done and the cleaner is finished, the day is my own. A friend has phoned asking to meet for coffee so that's a possibility if I finish early enough, but if not I may just go for a walk.


  1. I did chuckle at the spelling mistake ... I'm sure you did not notice because because you know what the binder is about, you know how the word is spelt, so your mind just filled in the blank. Cheers to meeting up with friends, possibly they would want to go for a walk ... Happy March, happy weekend ahead.

    1. I must learn to check before I print!

      Happy March and a happy weekend to you too.

  2. lol and ooops!
    Hoping the cleaner is an entire success.

    1. She was lovely and very efficient. The house is all sparkly now!

  3. I didn't notice the spelling mistake until I rechecked it! I guess our brains just autocorrect as we read!

    Glad to hear that the cleaner worked out well and you are pleased with the results.


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