Here's the results of yesterday's efforts, photographed in the spare bedroom but have now been moved into my own bedroom.
There should be two boxes, side by side, on each cabinet but it seems I bought the wrong size so there's only room for one on each at the moment. The other two boxes have already been put to use and are now filled with sewing bits and bobs. These two boxes will probably end up in the same place once I've found something to replace them.
Plans for today involve a trip into town. I have to issue music folders to the beginners ready for their move into the junior band so need to collect some music and folders. I also have some banking to do, and some food shopping. Then it'll be back home to get started on some bulk cooking for the freezer and once everything is bubbling away in the kitchen, will spend an hour or so preparing the music folders ready for Saturday.
I was completely wrong about people's reaction to the book group choice. We were a very reduced number last night through illness, but the ones who went all enjoyed the book and the end vote was a 7.5 out of 10. Our next choice is 'The Storyteller' by Jodi Picoult. I haven't read any of her books before so don't know what to expect from this one.
I like those tables. I have a small table that is a bit similar, but, taller, with a shelf and a drawer. It is something I picked up from the curbside, years ago! I use it in the hallway, to hold the telephone and the card file with phone numbers and addresses, etc. I store the phone directories on the shelf, but I am going to find a box or basket to keep on the shelf (and put the phone directories inside the box). Thanks for the idea! :)
ReplyDeleteYou’re welcome, but really you should be thanking Ikea as I wouldn’t have thought of it if I hadn’t seen their display.
DeleteI just read a review on your new book, I think I might get a copy. It's so rewarding when everything is neat and tidy.
ReplyDeleteI’m looking forward to reading the next book. It’s my choice and has been on my shelf for ages waiting until we reached it on the reading list.
DeleteA job well done putting those two tables together. I like those basket boxes underneath. I'm a big fan of baskets keeping things together & tidying looking, the plus is that the cats all like to curl up in some of the baskets. Well that was good that there was differing opinions on the book club choice, makes for a lively discussion. :)
ReplyDeleteIt was the best discussion we've had for quite a while and everyone commented on how much they'd enjoyed the evening.
DeleteI'm finding the use of baskets and boxes to be a great help in keeping the place tidy. I don't know why I didn't think of it before!
Parabéns, Eileen, pelo belo trabalho!
ReplyDeleteEu seria incapaz, mesmo seguindo o esquema.
O conjunto ficou bonito.
Translation: Congratulations, Eileen, for the beautiful work! I would be unable even following the scheme. The set looks beautiful. Hugs, Ailime
DeleteThanks Ailime, I found it easier than some of the other units I've done and more importantly, I'm pleased with the end results.
The cabinets look fabulous and I love the shelf underneath which you can pop a box or two on for more storage. I've never read anything by Jodi Picoult but I've read some very favourable reviews of her books.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read any Jodi Picoult books before although I have seen the film 'My Sister's Keeper', which was based on one of her novels.
DeleteI hope you like The Storyteller, I have read most of Jodi Picoult's books, I like her style. My favorites are House Rules and Small Great Things.
ReplyDeleteNone of the group have read her work before so I'm pleased we will have introduced a new author to everyone, which was one of the aims of the book group.