
It's a glorious day and I've been scavenging for photos this morning - my joyful activity for the day. It been a successful hunt and I now only have two more to find for the WPSH and one more to find for the March hunt. 

I ended up in Steeple Ashton, a pretty village about 5 miles from home, where I thought I'd be able to find some of the photos I was looking for. I parked up and got out of the car, then asked the first person I saw if she knew where there was a holly bush anywhere in the village. She said she had some growing in her garden and if I followed her (she was on her bike) I was quite welcome to photograph it ... it turns out she lives in the Manor House and her garden is huge (think along the lines of small stately home!). I photographed the holly and we chatted about what I need the photo for, with the end result that I also got three more photos for other prompts as well. So a huge thank you to Penny!

I checked my Fitbit when I got home to find that I've done over 12,000 steps this morning, so I'm counting that as my exercise for the day. I'll think about getting some lunch soon and then have a quiet afternoon at home. I'm expecting a delivery to arrive between 2pm and 4pm so need to find something indoors to occupy myself with as I can't hear the doorbell in the garden.


  1. What a lovely photo with the yellow flowers against the blue sky! I spent some time, yesterday, taking photos for the WPSH, myself! But, I think I need to retake some of them because I didn't like some of them. And there are a few where I have multiples of possibilities to suit the prompt and don't know which one to select!

    1. I'd like to retake some of mine if I have the time but if not, they'll do! Choosing the final selection is always difficult so good luck on that one 😂

  2. That's a ridiculously good photo! So lovely and spring-like! Glad your joyful things project is going so well, and that the clearing is almostvat an end. The more i do, the more i realise there is tomdo! 🙁

    1. Thank you. I know exactly what you mean about the clearing but it does get easier, I promise.

  3. That photo is so beautiful! Is it forsythia? It's so striking, it looks like a birthday card in the better sort of shop.

    1. Thanks Lyssa. I not a plant expert but I think it is forsythia. The bush was about 9 feet high.

  4. What a lucky find in Penny. The kindness of strangers is one of my favourite joyful activities, in that I try to be one of those kind strangers. I'm down to needing one photo & while we were running errands on Wednesday I had the brilliant idea of what & where.

    1. I look forward to seeing your final selection of photos. Yes, kindness is all important and sadly, so many people seem to have forgotten that. I struck lucky by meeting Penny.


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