Lifestyle Goals | Monthly Review

February has been plagued with illness and a complete lack of energy. As a result there hasn't been a tremendous amount of progress but the changes that have happened are all for the good. 

Health and Fitness. I've purchased the Slimming World pack, have read through the detail numerous times and think I understand it. Now I have to get on with it. I've already made changes to breakfasts, starting the day with a more substantial meal (as in 'breakfast like a king') and my last food delivery was arranged with SW meals in mind. I'm following medical advice and staggering the move to follow the full plan for all my meals, not because I think it would necessarily cause problems but because I know from experience that changes to what and how I eat inevitably leads to an increase in migraines in the early days and I don't feel up to coping with that. A gradual change is the best way for me to go. In the meantime, I'm increasing the amount of vegetables I eat which isn't a significant change as I already eat a lot of veggies, and any bulk cooking for the freezer has to be a healthy SW recipe.

Exercise still needs to happen!

Socialising. I'm removing socialising from my monthly update. I'm happy with the way things are going so will continue on that path and see what happens.

Time Management. Time management still needs some attention, mainly due to procrastination - although I'm getting things done I leave it to the last minute so often fret for days about something that would only take a few minutes to complete. I'm my own worse enemy and would dearly love to turn this around. Any suggestions for how will be very much appreciated.

Decluttering/Organising. This is new to the review. I'm on the last stage of the decluttering and need to find the motivation to keep going. I was hoping that the fact that I now need to use the music room for teaching would be enough to make me get on with it, but that hasn't proved to be the case and I've achieved very little in February. I'm setting all five tasks for March as a way of moving this forward.

My five tasks for February are:
  1. Update Band finance records - Done
  2. Advertise at least 10 more items for sale - Failed!
  3. Buy new towels and bedding - I purchased the bedding but haven't yet found any towels that I like and that are the correct colour
  4. Arrange quotes for garden overhaul - Done, but all were too expensive, so will have to rethink
  5. Clear at least half of the boxes in the music room - Started, but only cleared a few boxes

My five tasks for March are:
  1. Sort out 31 items to send to the charity shop
  2. Photograph 31 items, ready for sale
  3. Find all things I want to keep and find places for them around the house
  4. Package up the remaining things to return to my late partner's family and post the package
  5. Organise the sale of the old audio equipment 

My project for the month is:

Revamp this table; the top is scuffed and scratched, and it needs a good clean and polish. I bought it this morning for £10 (so it's not a lot of money to lose if I mess it up!) and it's just the right size for other end of the sofa in the living room. 


  1. It all sounds really good and I bet you'll have fun with the table!

  2. Your March goals all sound quite doable. I think February was a difficult month for so many for various reasons. I've just turned the calendar page, said thank you to February what gifts there were & told myself done. It's hard to get or stayed motivated when your physical self isn't at peak. For you, that return of the virus is what maybe undid your motivation. With a return to health I'm sure your "get it done" spirit will return. :) I like your new table.

  3. Diet - when I found I was pre-diabetic I did what (to me) was the obvious thing - cut out carbohydrate rich foods - all the body does is turn them into sugar. Unexpectedly lost a huge amount of weight. When husband retired and finally was in a 'place' to deal with his own weight, he joined me in my low-carb diet and lost nearly 30kg which has stayed off. I won't pretend it was easy to give up food we have grown up with - bread, cake, pastry, biscuits, but it makes you realise just how much of our Western diet is completely predicated on wheat and sugar.

    Good luck with whatever you are doing, I don't know anything about SW, but if that's what works for you then well done.

    When you work out how not to procrastinate, and how not to put off a 10 minute task for weeks, please let me know. 😟

  4. It's hard to accomplish much when we are dealing with health issues, but you still got a lot done. Hopefully, March will be a better month. I like your new table - I hope you will be able to refinish it to your liking. :)

  5. I hope your SW goes well. Change always takes a little getting used to.

    I have a problem with procrastination too. I tend to get easily distracted. I need to stay on task a little better. I have such good intentions at the beginning of the day and then time seems to just slip away.


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