Weekly Reflections

Reasons to be cheerful ...
  • the wonderful news that LM, my ex-neighbour's daughter, is expecting her second child at the end of December. 
  • receiving some unexpected happy mail in the form of a beautiful handmade card from Mary-Lou. It made my day and has pride of place on top of the Davenport.
  • receiving the delivery of toiletries and cleaning products, but especially the chocolate bars I added to make up the minimum order value!
  • enjoying myself daily, alternating between playing one or other of my instruments or practicing the choir songs
  • making considerable progress with the family tree research
  • watching a video produced by the school where my niece in law teaches. It's a lockdown video featuring all the teachers and their families singing the school song, so I got to see M with little misses C and H. (I'm not sure that niece in law is a correct relationship - this is my nephew's wife).

I am grateful ...
  • for the hope that nature offers us through the changing weather, new growth, birds building their nests, etc. - all signs that life goes on.
  • the speed and creativity with which some businesses have responded to the challenge of the lockdown and continued to provide their services and products.
  • the facility to receive medications via the postal system


  1. Yay for music and nature. Also for individuals and businesses that have stepped up. The birds are certainly busy at the moment. They really cheer me up.

    1. Music and nature is what's keeping me going although the dawn chorus participants could have toned it down a bit this morning ... talk about loud!

    2. Apparently today is International Dawn Chorus Day. I was out for the count, having been unable to sleep last night (see above!), so missed it. However I heard it yesterday through semi-slumber and appreciated it. Will miss it when they stop.

    3. I had no idea there was such a thing as an International Dawn Chorus Day. Well the Staverton contingent certainly did themselves proud this morning 😂

  2. I don't know if "niece in law" is an actual thing, but I understood what you meant by it.

    1. All my genealogy software just refers to her relationship to me as 'wife of nephew' so I don't think the in-law is correct.

  3. All are excellent reasons to be cheerful and grateful, Eileen. I'd say your nephew's wife is your niece, but, niece-in-law sounds good, too. :)

    1. It's a strange one. I've just looked online and it seems that either is acceptable but that relationship in the software programs like Ancestry is labelled as 'wife of nephew', presumably to distinguish from nieces who are blood relatives.

  4. What a lovely week. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It has been a good week with plenty of positivity and 'life goes on' moments.


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