
I spent a good part of yesterday sneezing and generally feeling pathetic and it doesn't look like today is going to be any better. It's hay fever season! I don't usually suffer this early and my worst period is normally July but this year nothing seems to be normal, does it? It's the itchy eyes that bother me the most so I'm staying inside today to see if that helps. I don't have anything to take as I usually have something from the GP for it, so I may need to ask for a prescription.

The grocery delivery arrived as promised and only the yeast was missing so I still can't make any bread which is disappointing, but I do have plenty of fresh fruit and veg so will be living on salads for a few days, which is perfect for the weather we are having. Because the online deliveries are restricted to 80 items and I was only really wanting fruit and veg I took the opportunity to add some of the items I don't have space for on my monthly order so I now have all the ingredients I need  to try out some new recipes later in the week.

In between sneezing and feeling pathetic I had my nose stuck in a book and reading that one, and starting another, was the sum total of my efforts yesterday. Today I've done a bit better and have hoovered and dusted the living room, and will clean the downstairs cloakroom when I've finished this post. I've also stripped my bed and the first load is in the washing machine. I'm hoping to get all the washing done and out of the way today.

Apart from those bits of housework I hope to do some more photo sorting. I'm at the easy, but time consuming, stage of renaming and tagging image files so nothing too demanding. I'm about halfway through the family and friends folders and these are the only ones I plan to rename as these are the ones of interest to other people in the future. I've brought the laptop downstairs and have set it up on the dining table so I can work on it when I'm waiting for something to be ready in the kitchen. 

Most of my time will be spent reading. I'm part way through Needlemouse by Jane O'Connor, which is okay but hasn't really grabbed my attention so far. I'm reading it on my Kindle and it's quite a short book so will finish it, but am seriously hoping that it livens up. I'll choose a proper book from the bookcase for my next read - maybe Once Upon A River by Diane Settlefield, or The Toymakers by Robert Dinsdale.

Today's list of things to do:
  • physical: stretching exercises
  • in the fresh air: open the windows to air the house 
  • around the house: living room, cloakroom, and laundry
  • achievement: renaming photo files
  • social: blogging, phone calls to family and friends
  • fun: reading


  1. Oh I feel for you with the hay fever starting early. Mr Man is finding his sinus are really bad with all the pollen off the trees. The book Once Upon A River by Diane Settlefield is on my recent request from the library (she authored my most favourite book, The Thirteenth Tale). Did you read her Bellman & Black book? I hope you have a good day.

    1. I haven't read any of her books yet but will look then out when it's possible to borrow from the library again

  2. Hay fever is exhausting and I really do sympathise. It's started early for me too but over the counter meds seem to keep it under control, thankfully. I used to get eye infections, ear infections, the works; it's much easier nowadays.
    Hoping you can get something quickly to easy the misery.

    1. I have earache and sinus pain this time so will probably need help to clear it all up. I'm at the 'feeling sorry for myself' stage 😂😂

  3. So sorry to hear that you are having to deal with hay fever! Not fun! Do try to call your GP and ask for a prescription. I'm glad your grocery order was delivered and only the yeast was missing. It seems that yeast is in very short supply, these days, as I've been unable to get any, myself. Sounds like you have planned your day well with the housework balanced out with reading and photo organizing. Hope you have a good day and the hay fever subsides.

    1. Thanks Bless. The good news is that one of the local farm shops is selling yeast so I should be able to buy some next week. The bad news is that I think the itchy eyes is actually conjunctivitis so I will contact the surgery tomorrow.

      I feel I'm getting the hang of balancing the days properly now but will have to see how it goes when I am out of the house more in the distant future.

  4. Spring pollen is not our friend :( Reading sounds enjoyable, though :) I do love opening up the house. Fresh air is nice, even during pollen season. It's great that your grocery order went so well. People can't possibly be using all that yeast lol

    1. I get hay fever every year but usually a relatively mild dose which doesn't bother me too much until July. This year it's horrendous and has started early but a good excuse to sit and read!

      By the time I find some yeast my enthusiasm for bread making will have disappeared!

  5. I’m so sorry to hear about your hay fever. I hope you will be able to get a prescription soon.

    1. Thanks Nil. I'll contact the surgery tomorrow.

  6. Yeast was missing from my grocery order as well. I have been wanting to try making rolls again but like you, the desire to bake them may fade as summer arrives.
    I'm trying to balance my days as well.

    1. It's certainly strange that people have felt the need to stockpile the yeast as bread flour is equally difficult to get, so I don't know what to they are doing with it!

      Next week I want to try doing all the housework in one go to see how that works.


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