Cooking, Family Tree, and a Mini Photo Challenge

I didn't do too badly on the choir quiz - 43 out of 59 this time and as usual it was the intros round which brought my score down. Never mind, it was fun. Afterwards I did the street puzzle questions and posted my answer sheet through the organiser's letter box. It was anagrams of countries and their capital cities this time.

I actually got out of the house for a short walk last night to hand the quiz sheet back in and to walk round to the post box to send Lauren's birthday card. I was only out for about five minutes, after dark and nobody else in sight, but it felt so good to be out. That'll keep me going for a few more weeks!

I watched the Andrew Lloyd Webber concert ... loved it. I felt quite emotional at some of the songs, especially when Elaine Paige sang Memories.

So, on to today ... it's the weekend, so no housework, but I do want to do some cooking. Some of the veg needs to be used up so I'll see to that this morning - don't know what I'll do yet - and this afternoon I want to carry on with the family tree. 

As for this evening, I have the choice of Frankenstein (National Theatre), Forest Gump (DVD), or maybe something on TV. 

I also want to start a mini photo challenge just to make me spend some time taking photographs. The challenge is take photos on a set theme; the photos must be taken during the month (no archive photos), a minimum of five photos but no upper limit, and a new theme every month. The theme for May is 'curves'. You are quite welcome to join me in this challenge if you want to but I won't be doing an end of the month link up like I do with the WPSH. 


  1. I'd say you did very well on the quiz! I'm glad you enjoyed it and also got to walk outside for a short time. :)

    Can you maybe roast the vegetables and freeze portions of them to pull out as needed? Or, blanch them and freeze for stews and soups, etc.?

    Oh, I'll join in on the mini photo challenge for May! It sounds like fun! I guess we'll just do a post at the end of the month with our photos and leave it at that?

    1. Oh, I wish I'd read your comment earlier. I ended up making a veggie chilli, which will be tasty but the roasted veg would have been even better!

      I'm thinking of doing a weekly post but that's because I want to have a target in my mind to make me get on with the photos. If I only do a monthly post, I will be more likely to leave it to the last minute which is the exact opposite of what I am hoping to achieve. If the end of the month suits you that's fine.

  2. I'm so glad the concert got to you as well. There were several times when I felt choky. Some of those stars looked so young!
    That's an interesting theme and easier to remember than lots of separate ones (helpful for a doddry oldie like me!)

    1. Yes the concert definitely got to me. His music has been a big part of my life, especially Joseph with all the school productions but also playing so many of his other 'hits' in various orchestras or brass bands. It really was a trip down memory lane for me.

      Good luck with the curves if you do decide to join in.

  3. I was waiting for your photo challenge, didnt realise it was one challenge a month and the theme was in the last paragraph lol. thanks


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