Another Easy Day!

I had some good news in the post yesterday. I was due to have the third and hopefully final colonoscopy in the summer but the policy has been reviewed and that's no longer the case, which I am so pleased about. I am considered to be low risk so will now be monitored via the bowel cancer screening programme which is a home testing kit with results through the post. This happens every two years so my next check will be December 2021 as I did it back in 2019 and got an all clear. 

The highlight of yesterday was seeing Julie and Lauren. I sat in my doorway, Lauren stayed in the passenger seat, Julie sat on the car bonnet, and we chatted for ages. The only pavement at my end of the street is on my side of the road so we were effectively blocking it for others but people were so good and just walked on the far side of the road so that we didn't have to move.

The threatened migraine disappeared mid afternoon, thank goodness. I didn't do much for the rest of the day, just a bit of the jigsaw and I watched a film in the evening - 'Carrie Pilby', which had a bit of an obvious storyline but I still enjoyed it.

The most important thing was that I contacted a couple of gardeners. One of them said he usually only did mowing and hedge trimming but thought he could possibly have a go at the work I want, so he isn't really suitable! The other is coming to see the garden next week and to talk over what I want, so fingers crossed that she can fit me in.

Today, I'm not really planning to do much. I need to bring some more things in from the garage freezer but that's about it. I'd like to take a few photos for this month's 'curves' theme but it all depends on whether I can summon up the energy. If not, I'll carry on with my book and just have an easy day.


  1. Fingers are firmly crossed. It's so useful having someone to come now and again. Great medical news too - I'm so pleased for you.

    1. I've spoken to her this morning and she sounds very friendly - a young mum with a one year old boy. She's coming over next Wednesday to see the garden and to talk through what I want. I'm feeling positive about this.

      I am so relieved that I don't need another colonoscopy ... the best news ever!

  2. Good news on the colonoscopy. Not a pleasant experience but obviously sometimes needed. Seeing and socially distancing chats with loved ones certainly raises the spirits.

    1. The colonoscopy isn't painful, just not particularly pleasant as you say. I'm relieved that I won't have to have another one and the home testing for the future is easy enough to do.

      Yesterday's chat will keep my spirits up for a while.

  3. Yeah to not needing another colonoscopy. Glad the migraine did leave. You would think with high rates of un-employment, people would jump at a chance to do some paid work. I have never had so many flyers in my mailbox for people wanting to cut my lawn, do my weeding, wash my windows, etc. I admire the initiative. Glad you had a face to face, while keeping those distances, catch up with loved ones. Best medicine. Must ask, do you watch/follow Dr David Campbell's uTubes - he is located in England? I have watched several of his vids & just wondered how he was perceived at home. I like him, he gives lots of facts/science backed info on COVID-19.

    1. Do you mean Dr John Campbell? I hadn't heard of him before this but have just watched one of his videos and will look at the others when I can. I like how he explains things and makes it clear when he is expressing his opinion rather than presenting facts, something the media could learn from him.

  4. Hi Eileen,
    I liked to hear from you, good news. So good!
    We have to enjoy our moments in the best possible way, but it is not being easy.
    Rest and be distracted.

    1. I have to admit that I am getting used to the restrictions and finding plenty of ways to continue to enjoy life. I hope you and your family are well.

  5. That's good that you don't have to do another colonoscopy! Prepping for them is not very pleasant, as you say! I'm glad you were able to visit with your friends and the migraine went away! I also hope that the potential gardener turns out to be someone reliable, who will be happy to work with you. Good idea to relax and take it easy, if only to keep that migraine from threatening to return. :)

    1. I think it's all to do with stress so am making an effort to slow down and relax even more. It's a case of finding a good balance between relaxation and fun things, and continuing with the other tasks I want to get done. If this gardener works out it will be a huge weight off my mind.

  6. The colonoscopy news is great! I'm due for my 2nd one this year and am not excited about having that done. Good luck with the potential gardener. Your chat sounds like a much needed moment during these staying-in days. Sweet :)

    1. You have my sympathy ... it's the prep that's the worst part, the procedure itself isn't too bad.

      I'm very hopeful that the gardener will work out but if not, there are a couple of other possibilities.

      It was so good to have a laugh with friends I know so well - we've been through lots together.


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