Exercise, Garden, and Decluttering

As expected, yesterday was a lovely, but emotional, day. I think about him every day but it was wonderful to talk about him and share memories with people who knew him.

Today, well every day really, needs to be more active. I'm beginning to stiffen up and need to start moving more so will be taking baby steps towards that today. I'm still doing knee strengthening exercises every day and now want to add in another regular exercise. It'll probably be the Walk at Home videos by Leslie Sansone but Julie is sending through the details of another YouTube exercise series which may offer another possibility. I will add in some outdoor walks at some point but I'm biding my time to see how people respond to the relaxing of lockdown restrictions - today is the first day when people are permitted to be outside as often as they wish, although social distancing still applies, and I want to see how it goes.

The biggie for today is that D is coming to see the garden so I'll know later this afternoon whether she is interested in taking the work on. It may turn out to be perfect timing as it's expected that garden centres will open next week so I will be able to get hold of some more plants, but even if they don't reopen quite a few have started offering an (expensive!) delivery service so I have options. Hopefully we will hear in the next few days when the recycling yard is going to reopen. A neighbour has offered to take any garden waste for me so I won't have to worry about that side of things if the gardener is able to start work soon.

As for the rest of the day, I feel a bit restless and want to carry on with the decluttering so will finish sorting through the music cupboards and then spend an hour or so to continue sorting through the photo files. Some time this week I want to clear a space in the garage to store things that are definitely leaving the house either for donation or disposal, but I doubt that will happen today. Anyway, I need to work out how to get hold of some boxes before I can start moving things out there.

Tonight I'll choose a film on Netflix and also watch something from my (very small) collection of DVDs. 


  1. Yes, I imagine yesterday was both happy and sad at the same time. But, I'm glad you were able to share memories and spend some online time with others as you remembered a very special person in your lives.

    I'm glad that D will be coming to check the garden, today, and I hope things will work out well. I hope your day goes well and you'll accomplish what you'd like to do. Or, at least, get started! Sometimes, for me, getting started is the hardest part!

    Have a good day, Eileen; stay safe!

    1. D will be here just after lunch. I'm feeling quite excited about her visit and can't settle to anything at the moment (it's 10am) so I don't think today is going to be as productive as I'd hoped ... as you say getting started is the hardest part!

  2. I was thinking of you from time to time yesterday and I'm very glad it was helpful.
    My fingers are crossed that D can and wants to take on the work in the garden. It's such a help.

    1. Thanks Joy.

      I'm hoping she is able to as well but I have a couple of other names to try if not.

  3. I imagine there will be a rush for some to be out & about, maybe once that rush is over you can figure out the best time & place to take a stroll out for some renewed walks. What a tonic yesterday was in being able to share the love & memories of Ced wit those that knew him best.

    1. There's definitely been more traffic around today, noticeable even on the residential streets I can see from home. It's not the warmest today so I'm quite happy to stay at home in the warm.

  4. Moving is important. I look forward to hearing about the other Youtube video series. I do some yoga and some weight work with light weights and some other things on Youtube. There's so much there!

    I hope the gardener works out. I watch something from Netflix or something or on DVD every night. I like the routine of that at night :) I hope your day has delights :)

    1. I think we got ourselves confused because the series Julie recommended is the Leslie Sansone one I already knew about!

      I'm certainly enjoying my evenings at the moment, either a freebie stage show, Netflix or a DVD. I'm considering getting Disney + for a while as I'd like to watch all the Marvel films in order, and, if the rumours are true, will be adding Hamilton to their lists from July.


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