
I can't actually say what I accomplished around the home yesterday. I was busy for most of the day, flitting from one thing to another, but didn't tackle anything on my list. Never mind, maybe I'll have more luck today.

J had some of her work rescheduled so couldn't make the quiz last night, which just left the two of us - our final score was 36 out of 50, so not brilliant but not completely hopeless either. We enjoyed ourselves and that's all that matters! It was a little different tonight and Stephen Fry asked some of the questions, which added to the evening. J has suggested getting together via Zoom one afternoon next week for coffee and a chat so that'll be something to look forward to.

I have finally finished the jigsaw puzzle.

This one where I had to work out what the actual puzzle picture was from a selection of photos on the box, but those photos were taken at a different angle and most of the items had been moved around in the puzzle image. I think this is the hardest puzzle I've done for a long time and much as I enjoyed it, I'm ready for one that's not quite as demanding and also has lots of pretty colours! 

Today is a rest day as far as exercise is concerned. This is because my knee was swollen after yesterday's efforts so something is still not right. I should probably see the doctor about it but it's not really something to discuss in a telephone consultation because he'd need to do a physical examination and I want to avoid going into the surgery for now. I will just take it much slower and alternate between an exercise day and a rest day and see how that goes. It's frustrating but maybe I just haven't done enough knee strengthening yet. Patio Postcards recommended yoga stretches and Divers and Sundry recommended some yoga sites so I will have a look at them today and see if I can find something I like the look of.

I want to do some cooking today but haven't settled on a new-to-me recipe yet ... not that I'm leaving it to the last minute to decide! I'll be cooking up a pot of chilli and some fish pies, but I also want to try a new recipe as well, or I might just make one up. 

For the rest of the day I will just potter! I want to make a start on another jigsaw puzzle as it's something to do when I'm waiting for things to be ready in the kitchen, and I'll play the piano or maybe the flute at some stage. The rest of the day will probably be spent reading. 

Later on this evening it's the choir quiz, followed straight away by the Lloyd Webber release, which this week is Cats. It's only available for 24 hours in the UK so I want to make sure I see it tonight. I saw this in the theatre many years ago, love all the songs, so I'll be interested to see if it stands the test of time.


  1. I've never seen Cats but love the music too.
    I'm sorry about your knee. Very frustrating for you and I share your concern about going to the surgery. I am supposed to have a blood test next month but I'm really ot sure how wise it will be right now. Be careful with what you do though.

    Have a lovely day. xx

    Good luck with the recipe invention. It's great fun, that sort of thing, or taking an existing recipe and modifying it.

    1. It's my left knee and as I am writing this (at 14:40) it's not hurting at all. The resting, for now, has helped.

      I followed one of Slimming Eats recipes in the end but it didn't get as far as the freezer. L and P called in on their way to London and we had a socially distanced picnic so the courgette quiche with hash brown crust was my contribution. It was a winner so I will be making it again.

  2. I like your puzzle. That's a different idea having to work out which picture it is and coping with objects moved around. I have done a few wasjigs which I really enjoyed. Some are the next step on from the picture so you have the same scene but everyone has moved. Some are what a character in the picture can see.
    I have stopped doing puzzles now until next winter. We don't get to sit down until quite late.
    I really would speak to your doctor. They can do a lot on the phone and if necessary will see you. They have PPE and when we had to take mum the waiting room was empty. Discuss it with your doctor.

    1. I like the wasgij puzzles but couldn't get hold of any this time. I don't usually do puzzles at this time of year but they help pass the time now I can't go out.

      I've taken your advice and booked a telephone consultation for next week. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for the heads up about Cats. While it is not my most favourite, I do find it fun & the music is so cheerful (mostly), I wonder if my cats will watch with me? I'm sorry to hear that your knee(s) are still giving you grief. Is it possible to have a video chat with a physio therapist so she/he can watch you do your strengthening knee exercises, just to maybe give you some pointers? That puzzle was a hard one, as I've said before I still only 12-15 piece online puzzles, & those present enough of a challenge!

    1. The local physio department isn't the best (and that's according to my previous GP!). I need to confirm with my doctor that I won't cause any permanent damage if I continue to exercise and then make a decision on what to do.

  4. Strengthening can take a while, and rest is important. It sounds like you're on the right slow but steady track :) It's important not to overdo, I agree, and your plan to go slower makes sense to me. I hope your phone consultation is helpful and that they can advise you on the proper course. It's harder over the phone, I know :(

    The Zoom get-togethers sound enjoyable :)

    1. The Zoom meets are keeping me going!

      I think I am heading in the right direction with the strengthening. There's no pain when I do the exercises and looking back I can see there is an overall improvement. I will talk to my GP but maybe the way forward is to concentrate on the strengthening for now.

  5. Hi Eileen,
    I liked to hear from you and know that your time is very busy.
    The puzzle looks difficult, but you managed to do it. Congratulations!
    I also appreciate cooking, but I do the basics.
    Music is a good entertainment
    I wish your knee better.
    Hugs and have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks Ailime. I'm sure my knee will get better in time but I need to slow down and not do too much until it is stronger.

      The puzzle was difficult but I enjoyed doing it. The next one is a lot easier though!

      Hope you have a good weekend too.

  6. I rang my surgery last week to make an appointment and my GP rang back in the afternoon to speak to me about my concern. She arranged for an appointment the next day then, just a few minutes later, rang me back to say that she would visit me at home as I am considered 'high risk'. She did come with the apron, gloves and mask on, examined me, arranged for the pharmacy to get the medication so that my husband could pick it up and told me to arrange another appointment in a couple of weeks, also at home. So it is possible and it reminded me of the 'old days' when doctors did do home visits. Maybe you could have a home visit too.

    1. My surgery still do home visits so maybe it is a possibility. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. Oh, how I wish the doctors here would do home visits! I'm glad to read that your knee is better after having rested it. But, good idea to consult with the doctor about it. How nice to share a picnic (with proper social distancing) and the Zoom chat with J would be something to look forward to and fun. You did great with that jigsaw puzzle! What a busy kitchen, with so many things going on! Hope you are having a good day. :)

    1. All the local doctors do home visits if absolutely necessary.

      The chilli and the fish pies are in the freezer and the courgette quiche have already been eaten!

      I'm having a great day thanks Bless - I won the choir quiz!

  8. Será algum problema com a cartilagem do joelho? A minha mãe costuma tomar Glucosamina, em pó, numas saquetas, para não ter problema nas articulações dos joelhos! Aqui em Portugal, tal medicamento costuma ser vendido nas farmácias, sem precisar de consulta, nem receita... médicos e hospitais ainda deverão ser de evitar, nesta fase da epidemia...
    Formidável o puzzle! Deve ter dado muita luta, para o conseguir completar!
    Beijinhos! Rápidas melhoras!

    1. Translation: Is it a problem with knee cartilage? My mother usually takes Glucosamine, in powder, in sachets, so she doesn't have a problem with her knee joints! Here in Portugal, such medicine is usually sold in pharmacies, without consultation or prescription ... doctors and hospitals should still be avoided, at this stage of the epidemic ...
      The puzzle is formidable! It must have been a lot of struggle to complete it!
      Kisses! A speedy recovery! Ana

    2. The original problem was a torn meniscus cartilage but that healed properly and the current pain is related to osteoarthritis and ongoing pain issues with every joint in my body. It seems to be a family issues, all my siblings and some cousins have had knee replacement surgery but I am trying to avoid that. I can't take glucosamine because it makes the migraine headaches much worse unfortunately.

      The puzzle was hard and took ages to complete but I'm glad I did it!


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