5 in 5 | The Garden in September

Linking with Sandie's 5 in 5, these were taken yesterday in the garden, showing the last of the flowers ...

 ... and the first signs of the autumn colours.


  1. Lovely photos! Autumn? Please no!

  2. Such pretty flowers!! Hard to imagine we are getting into fall!


  3. Amazing colours, and sadness that these are the last of the summer flowers. I am not ready for another season, I want this one to continue for a bit more please!

    Thank you for taking part and sharing these photos Eileen. I will have to embrace the new season and console myself that the plants will have beautiful colours that I can use for eco printing.

  4. Lovely photos Eileen- I try to embrace what each new season has to offer.

  5. Autumn seems to have come on all of a rush, doesn't it

  6. I really love the purple one. It looks like a folded piece of paper or silk....

    Linda in VA

  7. Yes, a definite autumnal nip to the air this weekend - the garden is feeling it too and is turning terracotta and rust coloured :)


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