Mid Week Catch-Up


The canasta group on Monday afternoon was good fun and is rapidly becoming the highlight of my week. There were only five of us this week so we played singles and just generally had a good laugh ... a lovely start to the week.

In the evening neighbour S came round to finish off lining the planters and then he transferred the soil from the bulk bag on the drive to the three wooden planters ... he didn't want me doing it as he thought it would be too much for me. I think he was probably right and I'm relieved that it's done. M may have to add a bit more soil to top up when she starts on the planting, but all the heavy lifting has been done.

Yesterday, Tuesday, ended up being a quiet day at home. J popped round a chat but didn't stay for too long ... she gave the pergola a thumbs up ... and we've arranged to meet again next week. I practiced the piano and also played my flute for a while. I'm completely out of practice with the flute and my breath control was all over the place but I enjoyed myself!

Today, it's my piano lesson and I'm hoping to do some clothes shopping either before or after. I could do with some new polo shirts and I need to buy some more undies ... guess who left some black socks in with the whites and now has horrible grey bras?

I had my annual blood tests last week and have now been contacted by the surgery to say that my doctor wants to speak to me. They've scheduled a telephone consultation for the 29th, so I've decided that there can't be anything too seriously wrong if I have to wait that long ... maybe it'll just be a change of medication. Fingers crossed that that is all it is!


  1. What a lovely photo of your Zinnia flower. I'm glad you had help with moving the soil I was concerned you were going to move it yourself. Oh no to the colour run and your grey bras, we've all done it I'm sure. Don't worry about the followup call with your GP, as you say it will probably be a change or addition to your medication xx

    1. I always forget how pretty zinnias are, but they really are a beautiful flower. S was brilliant. He hadn't offered because he thought M was going to do it for me, and she would have done but I thought I'd be able to get some of it done before she came. He was worried I'd make myself ill, so did it for me there and then.

      I've ordered some new bras and as soon as they arrive I can do the ceremonial disposal of the manky grey ones!

      I'm sure it'll be a medication change, probably additional meds. The delay for the appointment makes me think it's nothing too serious, so am not worrying ... yet! xx

  2. A great close up photo of the Zinnia. Yeah that all the hard labour for the planter boxes is done, now to the fun of planting. I chuckled out loud at the black sock saga. I think we have all done something similar. A generous scoop of Oxiclean in the next whites load should bring everything back to gleaming white :)

    1. Thanks Mary-Lou. The planters are all ready for M's next visit. I just have to buy another climbing rose but all the other plants have arrived ... I just have to keep them alive for another week!

      I've tried using whitener which worked fine for everything else but not on the elasticated parts of the bras so replacements have been purchased. xx

  3. It sounds like a really lovely day ahead. Hopefully, it is all going really well. xx

    1. It was a good day but I didn't come home with any clothes. Matalan had a few things I liked but not in my size so I have ordered online instead. xx

  4. What a great neighbour you have. I am glad to hear that your planters have now been filled can't wait to see them planted. I find M & S good for polo shirts, but I like the mens ones as they are longer and I do not end up with a gap on my back every time I move. I have them in every colour they bring out, it is one of my wardrobe staples. Helen S.

    1. He's brilliant, isn't he. The planters will be planted up next Thursday and then I just have to sit back and wait for it to grow!

      I've tried the Cotton Traders polo shirts this time but will have a look at the M&S ones as well. Thanks for the suggestion and I agree, polo shirts are a wardrobe staple. xx

  5. Such a lovely photo of the zinnia! I'm glad that your neighbor S helped and filled the planters for you. I hope the phone consultation with the doctor goes well and there isn't anything to be concerned about.

    1. The zinnias are looking very good and I like the bright spots of colour they bring to the garden. S was brilliant and saved me a lot of effort and worry. M would have moved the soil but it would have been a heavy tiring job for her to do so I'm relieved that S was able to do it.

      Thanks Bless. I'm not expecting it to be too serious. If it was urgent I would have been called to see the doctor straight away. xx

  6. Well, I hope the doctors are just suggesting a tweak or two. You do take the loveliest flower photos of your glorious garden.

    1. So do I! I'll soon know, only a few days to wait now, thank goodness.

      Thank you for your kind comment about my flower photos. xx


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