

At long last! We had some much needed rain with more promised for today. The garden is happy and so am I, as not only is the garden being watered for me but the water butt is refilling and that will help with the water bill. 

This morning's photography walk has been cancelled. I'd have been quite happy to go despite the weather but the others weren't keen, so we will reschedule. Instead I'll made a start on tomorrow's task and list everything that has been in the freezer for a long time, then start planning what meals I can make from it. I know there is a pack of chicken thighs and also some fish and possibly some sausages but it's highly likely that there will be other things I have forgotten about. Once I've planned the meals I'll buy anything else I need in the way of ingredients and then make a start on batch cooking. 

This afternoon it's the monthly book group meeting. I finished the book yesterday - Dream Town by David Baldacci - and, while I usually like his books, this one was hard going. I don't really know why but I checked online reviews afterwards and others are saying the same, i.e. that it's not one of his best works. It'll be interesting to see what the others have to say about it.  That's assuming we actually discuss the book ... this is the first book group I've been to where they rarely discuss the book. There's plenty of chatting, but no in-depth discussion of the book at all!


  1. No rain here and none forecast either, although one never knows. We could do with a few heavy showers. xx

    1. We're forecast the joys of a thunderstorm this evening but then it's back to the hot, dry days. My garden needed the rain and thankfully it was enough to give the ground a really good soaking. xx

  2. Glad the garden is getting some rain! We had a little rain, early Sunday morning, but, that was unusual as this is not our rainy season. Sounds like you've a busy day planned, with batch cooking and book club gathering. Too funny that the book club doesn't really discuss the book everyone has read! :)

    1. It was supposed to be a thunderstorm yesterday but that didn't happen ... plenty of rain but no thunder. The forecast for today has changed and we're told there will now be thunder this evening instead. Then it's back to days and days of sunshine to enjoy.

      I'm not doing the batch cooking today as I'll need to buy some ingredients but I have planned what I want to do ... that's all down for tomorrow as I have a free day, so can take my time.

      It's the first book group I've been to where they don't discuss the book in any depth, and at a couple of the meeting haven't even mentioned the book at all. I like the people but the group isn't really providing the stimulus that I was looking for so I may stop going and look for an alternative. xx

  3. We had a bad thunderstorm on Saturday evening, the thunder was very loud with many flashes of lightning and heavy rain. I hate storms but welcomed the rain but it's still hot here and I'm melting xx

    1. Thankfully we escaped the thunder yesterday and hopefully will today too ... I don't have the headache I usually get when a thunderstorm is due. I welcomed the rain too and am hoping we will get a lot more later today, although it's not looking too promising at the moment.

      Do you find the heat difficult? I'm okay during the day but am not sleeping well because of it. I like it to be warm but not too hot ... it just saps my energy. How does Tilly manage in the heat?

    2. I can't stand this heat it makes me tired and zaps my energy. Tilly was off colour yesterday and woke me up as she was being sick. She didn't eat much and I didn't walk her. Black dogs suffer more than any other colour and her fur is thick and curly. I always carry water for her but try to keep her out of the sun and off hot pavements. It's still hot today even though it rained overnight. I changed my duvet to a 4.5 tog and I don't sleep well in the heat either xx

    3. Sorry to hear that you are struggling with the heat and that Tilly has been poorly. I hope she's recovering well now. xx

  4. Glad your had some rain for your garden, ours needs some too. We did have a little rain, but not enough. My 3 water butts are almost empty. We are currently reading the Peter Robinson series, Inspector Banks from the beginning, the only one we have yet to get is the last one, Standing in the Shadows. Helen S.

    1. We had enough rain yesterday to refill my water butt so I'm happy. The forecast has since changed and there's no more rain expected over the next couple of weeks, so I'm back on watering duties! I've read some of the Inspector Banks books and enjoyed them, so was disappointed to see how that character was portrayed in the TV series. xx

  5. Your first paragraph could have been written by me. I am so thankful for rain on behalf of my garden & trees. It was getting so bad, I was making plans on doing a naked rain dance - thankfully the neighbours have been spared! Sorting out thet freezer sounds like a good plan for a rainy day ... maybe I should do along with you. It will be interesting to hear what other members of the book club think of the book.

    1. Glad to hear the rain made an appearance so you didn't get yourself arrested with your naked rain dance!

      I sorted through the freezer this morning and made a note of the items I would like to use up, and have made a list of recipes I can cook up and freeze in portions. So, just some shopping to do on Wednesday and then I can make a start on the actual cooking.

      They all liked the book ... today, just to prove me wrong we actually had a proper discussion about the book! A couple of the others mentioned that they found it hard to get started which was the problem I had. His books usually have me hooked from the first page and this one didn't, but despite that it was still an easy read and a good enough story, but in my opinion, not one of his best. xx


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