
I'm up before the sun this morning so I've made good use of my time and have taken a photo for the WPSH - No 2, pool of light.

I have a quiet day ahead of me. I need to pop out and get some bread as I've run out but the rest of the day will be spent reading (my latest book is getting interesting!) and from 1 pm, watching TV. The Drama channel is repeating the 2007 TV series, Cranford. We missed this when it was first shown but I've heard good things about it so will be watching today - all five episodes are following on back-to-back this afternoon.

I hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing.


  1. A very dramatic photo - I really like it!
    Thanks for the Cranford into - I never watched it either and will set it to record so I can watch and re-watch at my leisure.

    1. Thank Joy.

      I watched all five Cranford episodes and really enjoyed them. The remaining two, which I think were a Christmas Special, are being shown this Sunday coming.

  2. That is a very good "pool of light"! Sounds like you have a nice day, ahead of you. Sunday has just dawned here - it is 12:12 a.m. as I type this. I'll probably be up for another hour or so, at least, and then, head off to bed. Hope you have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Bless.

      I don't know how you manage to stay up so late. I'd be tired all the time if I did that regularly!

  3. That's a beautiful picture - very atmospheric

  4. What a beautiful photo. I hope you've had a lovely day, it's nice to have some enjoyable things lined up to do.

    1. Thank you, and yes I had a lovely relaxing day.


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