3 in 30 Challenge - September 2011 - week 4

It's been a okay sort of week.  I've stuck to the goals but haven't really achieved the results I would have liked.

Goal 1 - Personal: I didn't really achieve my personal goal for August but as I'll still be working on it as part of Slim Down Sunday I'm setting a new personal goal for this challenge. I start teaching again next week and that, put together with caring for Ced, means that I know I will get overtired and end up spending any free time I have resting and/or doing nothing. So, I've decided to allocate myself some quality 'me time' every day, to be used as the mood takes me but to be an activity of some kind - e.g. photography, music, meeting friends, crafting. I'd also like to find the time to do some extra blog posts rather that just the regular meme posts.
Update week 1: I've managed 'me time' 4 days out of 7, but to be honest I just forgot on the other 3 days!
Update week 2: This is going well. I still haven't managed every day and it seems to have settled at 4 days out of 7 again but I am happy with that. Still haven't managed any crafting but did do an extra blog post this week.
Update week 3: This hasn't gone as well as I'd hoped.  I've still managed some 'me time' but only for reading, blogging and watching TV, but not for the sort of activities I'd really like to make time for.

Goal 2 - Professional: to design and produce some new worksheets for the beginners, to cover key signatures and note recognition.
Update week 1: I've made a start and have the draft information sorted.
Update week 2: COMPLETED. The worksheets were issued this week.

Goal 3 - Home: This goal is in part a continuation from last month and involves keeping the decluttered rooms clean and tidy. In addition I want to defrost and refill the freezer, finish sorting and filing our personal papers and also review the budget.
Update week 1: I've defrosted the freezer and started refilling it. The house is still tidy and I've made a start on the filing and reviewing the budget.
Update week 2: Completed the defrosting/refilling the freezer, filing personal papers and reviewing the budget. The decluttered rooms are still tidy.
Update week 3: The decluttered rooms are still tidy - I've now got into the habit of putting away and clearing up as I go along.  I still need to hoover and dust every room properly.

Linked up to the 3in30 Challenge


  1. Fantastic progress! You are doing SO good.

    Now I am dying to know, because I am a musician myself, what your "job/gig" is!
    I am the band director for a small school district, grades 5 - 12, and I love, love love my job!!

    I would love to hear more about your music!!

  2. I love how you "add" to your post each week... it's great to be able to look back and see what progress you made each week. You're getting so CLOSE to making your goals reality this month... you CAN do it!!

  3. Great work. I'm with you on #3. Been working on cleaning routine and decluttering around my house.


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